Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)

October 2022 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 24, 2022 at 6:00 PM EDT


Pataula Charter Academy, Inc Central Office Board Room


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance  
  B. Call the Meeting to Order  
  C. Approve Agenda Vote
  D. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for September 2022 Board Meeting on September 19, 2022  
  E. Approve Executive Session Minutes Vote
  F. Public Comment  
  G. Executive Session - Personnel Vote
II. Superintendent Report
  A. PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard FYI
- On target to meet on Operational CPF


  B. SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard FYI
- On target to meet on Operational CPF 
  C. PCA Para Resignation FYI

- Jonathan McKinney

  D. PCA Para Hire Vote


  E. SCCA Teacher Resignation Vote

- Phillip Lambert

  F. SCCA Teacher Hire Vote

- Krystal Apke

  G. 2023-2024 Open Enrollment/Lottery Dates FYI
III. Finance/Facilities Committee Report
  A. PCA INC - ALICE Response Strategy Vote

Vote to spend $7600 on this training to use ALICE in a lockdown/active shooter situation. This will include online training as well as getting 4 staff members certified in ALICE

  B. Pataula - Athletic Field Fence Vote

approval to install fencing around a portion of the fields and enclose the grandstands $7900 quality fence

  C. Pataula - Batting Cage Vendor Selection Vote

Change batting vendor to Usry Construction for 75,563 - the vendor approved in September did not include installation and would be a long delay in construction 

  D. Pataula - CPF Financial Reports FYI

Reports through August 2022

  E. Spring Creek - CPF Financial Reports FYI

reports through August 2022

  F. Pataula - FY 23 Amended General Operating Budget FYI

First review of the fy 23 general operating budget amendment

  G. Spring Creek - FY 23 Amended General Operating Budget FYI

First review of the fy 23 general operating budget amendment

  H. Public Comment on FY 23 Amended General Operating Budgets FYI
IV. Governance Committee Report
V. Academic Excellence Committee Report
  A. PCA 2021-2022 Graduation Rate FYI
VI. Ad Hoc Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee Report
  A. Superintendent Evaluation Vote
  B. CFO Evaluation Vote
VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote