Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)

February 2021 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday February 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM EST


The February Board meeting will be held virtually due to COVID-19.  Board members will be emailed a Google Meet link for session.  The public may call-in using the following:
Phone number - (701) 802-5366
Access Code - 8532300
The Pataula Charter Academy, Incorporated Governing Board (serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy) will meet in the PCA Library to allow for social distancing.  Masks are required for all Board members and visitors.


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for January 2021 Board Meeting on January 25, 2021
  D. Approve Agenda
  E. Public Comment
  F. Public Comment - FY 2021 Amended General Operating Budget
II. Superintendent Report
  A. Executive Session - Personnel
  B. PCA - Recommendation for Para Hire
-Crystal Waltman
  C. COVID-19 Update
Report of positive cases, percentage of students currently virtually learning, any new protocol changes
  D. PCA January Operational Checklists
- 100% Compliant for SCSC Operational CPF


  E. SCCA January Operational Checklists
- 100% Compliant for SCSC Operational CPF
  F. PCA 2020-2021 SY Annual SCSC Monitoring
  G. SCCA 2020-2021 SY Annual SCSC Monitoring
  H. PCA 2019-2020 SCSC Comprehensive Performance Framework Results
- Met in Financial and Operational Performance areas
- Academics section not applicable due to cancellation of Milestones and CCRPI
  I. SCCA 2019-2020 SCSC Comprehensive Performance Framework Results
- Met in Financial and Operational Performance areas
- Academics section not applicable due to cancellation of Milestones and CCRPI
  J. PCA 2021-2022 Calendar
  K. SCCA 2021-2022 Calendar
  L. PCA Summer School Approval
  M. SCCA Summer School Approval
III. Facilities/Finance
  A. PCA - FY 2021 Amended General Operating Budget
  B. Pataula - CPF Financial Assessment Reports
  C. SCCA - FY 2021 Amended General Operating Budget
  D. Spring Creek - CPF Financial Assessment Reports
  E. SCCA - deficit reduction monthly report
IV. Governance
  A. Resignation of Board Member David Hendrickson
  B. 2020-2021 Board Goals
Goals for this year focus on Committee Structures and Board Member Recruitment.  The Governance Committee has completed many of the goals already.  The plan is to finish goal tasks by end of the Board Retreat.
  C. Governance Committee Job Description
The Governance approved the job description for their committee.  All committees will be doing this at Board Retreat.
  D. PCA Inc. Annual Board Calendar
The Governance Committee approved the amended Annual Board Calendar
  E. Amended PCA Inc. By-Laws
The Governance Committee approved the amended By-Laws to include changes to Committees and Check Signing to align with current policies.
  F. Board Annual Retreat
-Governance Committee is planning the retreat.  We need to set a date.
  G. Governance Training
Required Governance Training 
*Don't forget the recorded trainings after participating in the live training.
V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting