Laureate Academy Charter School Board of Directors


Laureate Academy Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 23, 2022 at 5:45 PM

The matters listed are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair to be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may, in fact, be discussed. Other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. All agenda items are informational unless otherwise denoted, though all committee reports require a vote for acceptance. Unless otherwise stated due to COVID-19 precautions, the meeting will be held on the campus of the school (2115 Oakmere Drive Harvey, LA 70058)

Directors Present

David Huete, Jaime Behen, Jake Krupa, Jordan Whittenburg, Nicholas Aucoin, Shawn Williams

Directors Absent

Lisa Rebowe, Michelle Beaty, Pat Leblanc

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Nicholas Aucoin called a meeting of the board of directors of Laureate Academy Charter School Board of Directors to order on Wednesday Mar 23, 2022 at 5:52 PM.


Approve Minutes

Nicholas Aucoin made a motion to approve the minutes from Laureate Academy Board Meeting on 01-26-22.
Jordan Whittenburg seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Head of School update


General updates provided by Head of School

General updates are being given by Ms. Carter. 



  • LEAP 2021 → Laureate was 17th of 100 K-8 open enrollment schools in Jefferson Parish and New Orleans 
  • 180 new applications for 2022-2023 school year. 
  • Intent to enroll 73% of her kids are returning and three are not but all for valid reasons. 
  • TFA & Laureate will be partnering for summer school. 
  • Got a lot of Collaborative hiring fair and got to meet a lot of great candidates.

Academic Updates:

  • K-2 Reading update (STEP Reading Assessment)
    • Scholars are behind. 
    • 55% have shown expected or above expected growth. 
    • Increasing intervention for scholars who aren't showing the growth. 
  • 3-8th Updates
    • LEAP “Bootcamps” 
      • LEAP-aligned material & strategies integrated into each content area
    • Math Urgency
      • Increased urgency due to being behind schedule for the year in upper grade
      • Asynchronous work 
      • Varsity Tutors
      • Math for 6th & 7th Grade 2x per week starting 3/31 


Vote on Updated Salary Scale

  • 2022-2023 Hiring Process Beginning 1/28 
    • About 60% of Laureate’s staff have reapplied for the 2022-2023 school year
      • This is a significantly lower number than usual, but this was expected due to the external factors all schools are experiencing. 
    • Laureate is pushing to recruit a strong team for the 2022-2023 school year 

Questions & Comments from the board:

  • Movement on the recommendation for salary was in non-certified teachers / certified teachers, leadership and the addition of the specialist. 
  • Added the social emotional specialist and is covered by Esser.
  • Would like to see this factored into the budget before deciding. 
Nicholas Aucoin made a motion to accept the updated salary scales.
David Huete seconded the motion.

Voting on updated salary scale. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jordan Whittenburg
Pat Leblanc
Nicholas Aucoin
Michelle Beaty
Jaime Behen
Shawn Williams
Lisa Rebowe
Jake Krupa
David Huete


Vote on Dependent Care for Employees

  • Voting on a stronger benefits package 
    • Adding $300/month in dependent care per employee with children 


Questions & comments from the board:

  • This would cover any dependent on our insurance. 
  • This is capped at $300 total, not per child. 
    • The $300 would go towards the dependent's monthly insurance costs. 
  • Potentially we could introduce advanced benefits for pained retention points (like after 3 years). 
  • Since this wouldn't be used to attract new talent if we use a service threshold (for example, three years of service to Laureate), we can table this to a special vote on 4/13. 
  • Information we would need to make a decision: put in the criteria for what it would look like for 3, 4 & 5 years of tenure.
  • Also want to consider how this impacts environment & culture.
  • Dependent care has been something that has come up on staff surveys. 
  • For next year, folks are getting raises in salary and in potentially incentive pay. 
Nicholas Aucoin made a motion to table the vote for dependent care until the special meeting on 4/`13.
Shawn Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Facilities Update


Facilities Update

Facilities update: 

  • Claire & David met with the architect Brian last week to go through the punch list to find what they're going to live with and what needs to be adjusted.  
  • Brian & Davide met with Emily M. & Joel to go through the remaining items on the punch list and overall it was the first time Emily's been here since the deal was signed. 
  • Overall, Emily directed Joel to bring the crews back to fix most items.
  • There are few things that need to be further talked about. It was overall a productive meeting and they should be here next week. 
  • Minor repairs inside and outside. Big things were the doors. Outside drainage was also talked about. 

IV. Governance Committee Update


Head of School Evaluation

Jordan w/ Staffing:

  • Biggest metrics:
    • Operational capacity: taking the total number of filled positions versus the staffing plan. Also adding that metrics may change as the staffing plan changes throughout the year. 
      • Driving towards 
      • > 95% capacity and above would be green status. 
      • 85-95% would be yellow 
      • below 85% would be red. 
    • Leadership Satisfaction Survey: Potentially get a baseline for this year. There would be 4-5 questions on a sliding scale.
      • Potential questions:
        • I have a clear understanding of my accountabilities and how they bring value to LACS.
        • I have access to the resources needed to excel in my current role at LACS.
        • I receive the coaching that I need to further my professional development.
        • If I were offered the same position with similar pay and benefits at another school, I would stay at LACS.
  • When do they occur? When are the checkpoints?
    • Operational capacity could happen whenever. The recommendation is quarterly. This could be implemented right away.
    • Leadership satisfaction could be done at a baseline this year and then could be reviewed for next year. 
      • We'll need to set metrics here to fall within the green, yellow, red ranges. 


Jake w/ Finance:

  • Biggest metrics:
    • Budget actuals that are updated monthly. There is a lag to close out the month.
      • Four ratios/actuals:
        • Quick
        • Debt to asset
        • Cash on Hand
        • Cash Ratio
        • Overall enrollment number
    • Are financial processes being followed? Are the annual financials a positive report? Did you get a clean opinion? They also look at HR based things (like years of experience from teachers). Something on the financial audit needs to be built in with those. 
      • Maybe we can look to see if there are adjustments made from the year before in this year?
  • When do they occur? When are the checkpoints?
    • Monthly & at the end of the year
    • Quarterly we do red, green and yellow as it relates to the four ratios. 
    • Annually we look at the financial audit to see if a clean opinion was given AND if there was growth from last years items. 
    • Opinion would be reviewed in October. From there, how does she remedy the significant matters throughout the rest of the academic year to be reviewed in May. 

Jaime w/ Academics:

  •  Biggest metrics:
    • 5-10% growth in all subjects on LEAP. There should be a category for where they land and for growth. 
    • Similar measures for MAP. 
    • Considering having a long term goal for LEAP that the school based grade is maintained or moved every three years?
    • To give a range of performance:
      • Ineffective- way below grade level (D, F)
      • Effective Emerging- Below grade level (C >) 
      • Effective proficient- Grade level ( B > )
      • Highly effective - Above grade level (A)
  • When do they occur? When are the checkpoints?
    • LEAP is once a year in April. Results are in August
    • MAP is 3x a year in August, December and March. Results in 48 hours. 

Nick w/ Governance: 

  • Biggest metrics:
    • Leadership turnover (may relate to staffing operational capacity. 
    • Are we fully enrolled and keeping our students? Are our waitlists filled out?
    • Needs to be affiliated with a particular year's objectives. 
    • Maybe fundraising could agree to finance. 
  • When do they occur? When are the checkpoints?
    • School calendar would be the window. 


Next steps:

  • Take these metrics and overlay it with the school year calendar. 
  • LACPS specific rubric is the one we've used in the past. 
  • Bring this to the board for final input. 

V. Finance Committee Update


Finance Committee Update

  • There was a budget reforecast for the current academic year which is very favorable. This aligns with a bigger trend year over year. 
  • Budget for this year initially had $119,000 surplus and is now at a $296,000 surplus. 
  • As of January 31st, we have a budget variance of $316,000.
  • The budget for next year has some items for improvement and we do believe the budget is workable for next year. 
  • Special meeting on 4/13 to approve the draft of the budget. Approved by 4/30 and May 25th to vote on it as a whole board. 

VI. Academic Achievement Committee Update


Discuss highlights from the 3.16 meeting

  • Reviewed the simulated school performance scores between Orleans & Jefferson Parish. We sit at about 17/100 on that list. 
  • Identified some schools to learn from in Hynes & Audubon. 
    • Specifically wanting to look at what kids are receiving curriculum wise, what they're learning and how they're performing against our kids, as well as leadership coaching leadership. 

VII. Other Business


Date for Summer Retreat

  • June 4th won't work for Nick or Jake. 
  • All the other dates would work for Nick. 
  • Nick wants a Doodle. 
  • Jake hates June. 

VIII. Closing Items


Public Comments


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Nicholas Aucoin