City on a Hill Charter Public School


October 2024 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 21, 2024 at 5:00 PM


This meeting took place remotely pursuant to a supplemental budget bill which, among other things, extends the temporary provisions pertaining to the Open Meeting Law to March 31, 2025 signed into law by Governor Healey on March 29, 2023. The meeting was held via Zoom at

Committee Members Present

Alekz Hirschmann (remote), Danielle Canty (remote), Edelyn Contreras (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Asha Ibrahim (remote), Laura Edouard (remote), Nikia Davis (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Alekz Hirschmann called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of City on a Hill Charter Public School to order on Monday Oct 21, 2024 at 5:06 PM.


Approve May 2024 Meeting Minutes

Alekz Hirschmann made a motion to approve the minutes from May 2024 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting on 05-13-24.
Danielle Canty seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Edelyn Contreras
Danielle Canty
Alekz Hirschmann

II. General School Updates


SY2023-24 Academic Results Review & SY2024-25 School Updates

Alekz Hirschmann, Committee Chair, directed the attention of the Committee to Laura Edouard, Principal. Edouard welcomed the Committee and began by reviewing the SY24 data, noting a nuanced performance across various subjects. She mentioned that in English, both English 1 and 2 experienced declines, while English 3 and 4 demonstrated notable improvements. The history results varied by grade level, presenting a mixed performance. In mathematics, lower grades showed an upward trend, whereas upper grades faced a decline. Positive growth was observed in both science and Spanish across all grade levels, and English Language Development (ELD) remained stable throughout the year.


Edouard then discussed the SY25 goals, beginning with Goal 1: Academic Achievement. She stated that the objective is for 100% of seniors to earn their diploma and graduate in 2025, while 90% of juniors will advance to 12th grade. To achieve this goal, the school will revise and align core classes with dual enrollment options where applicable. Additionally, the school will develop and implement rigorous college-level lessons, ensuring that sufficient support is provided for all students.


Following this, Edouard outlined Goal 2, which targets attendance, aiming to reduce chronic absenteeism by 15% compared to SY23. Strategies include fostering frequent and positive interactions with families and conducting mandatory attendance meetings with parents and advisors. She emphasized the importance of community engagement in achieving this objective.


For Goal 3, focused on culture and climate, Edouard highlighted the aim of maintaining a suspension rate of 10% or fewer students. To reach this goal, the school will improve adult-student interactions, initiate positive behavior calls, and revise Orientation Week to create a more welcoming atmosphere for all students.


Next, Edouard addressed Goal 4, which is centered on post-graduation readiness. The objective is to ensure that 90% of seniors are accepted into post-graduation programs, including colleges, apprenticeships, or military service. To support this, the school will expand its dual enrollment program with local colleges, increase professional development opportunities in college and career readiness, and invite guest speakers for career exploration.


Lastly, Edouard introduced Goal 5, which emphasizes fostering joy within the school community. This includes organizing events for students and families to celebrate achievements, ensuring families receive more positive than negative communications, and planning monthly staff outings to build camaraderie among staff.


In terms of academic performance, Edouard shared that students currently average a 65-70% passing rate, with significant disparities between those who attend consistently and those with higher absenteeism. Enrollment statistics indicate that 26 out of 40 11th graders are taking at least one class with Roxbury Community College (RCC), while 32 out of 38 seniors are enrolled in 1-2 RCC classes, with 8 seniors participating in both RCC and Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT) courses. Additionally, she noted that study halls have been implemented to provide MCAS preparation for the handful of students who will be retaking the MCAS. Recent developments also include the successful reintroduction of Spanish classes online, now supported by a newly hired Spanish teacher, along with the hiring of additional math and science teachers to enhance MCAS preparation.


Edward opened the floor for questions, but the committee had none. They expressed their gratitude for how smoothly things were going at the school, appreciating the efforts made to enhance the learning environment and community engagement. 




III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:42 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Alekz Hirschmann
Documents used during the meeting
  • CoaH Academic Data 2024-2025.pdf