City on a Hill Charter Public School


May 2024 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Trustees Present

Alekz Hirschmann (remote), Andres Tejeda Soto (remote), Brooke Fincke (remote), Danielle Canty (remote), Gabriela (Gaby) DeLeon-Evora (remote), Jacqueline Bennett (remote), Melisa Lemire (remote), Ted Gildea (remote)

Trustees Absent

Edelyn Contreras, Kimberley Thai Small

Ex Officio Members Present

Sonya Pratt (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

Sonya Pratt (remote)

Guests Present

Asha Ibrahim (remote), Nikia Davis (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Melisa Lemire called a meeting of the board of trustees of City on a Hill Charter Public School to order on Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 5:05 PM.


Approve March 2024 Meeting Minutes

Melisa Lemire made a motion to approve the minutes from April 2024 Board Meeting on 04-23-24.
Ted Gildea seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kimberley Thai Small
Danielle Canty
Gabriela (Gaby) DeLeon-Evora
Brooke Fincke
Melisa Lemire
Andres Tejeda Soto
Edelyn Contreras
Jacqueline Bennett
Alekz Hirschmann
Ted Gildea

II. Organizational Updates


General School Updates

Melisa Lemire, Chair, expressed gratitude to the Board for their attendance and directed their attention to Sonya Pratt, Executive Director, for General School Updates. Sonya Pratt informed that the school year is approaching its conclusion, with Senior Week, Field Day, and Prom scheduled for the current week, and Graduation set for June 10th, extending an invitation to all Board Members. She elaborated on the collaborative efforts between the School and the Department of Education regarding unique closing procedures, highlighting DESE's adaptation of standard guidelines to meet the School's specific needs. Pratt emphasized the identification of tasks for completion within the current academic year and the importance of thorough documentation of student transcripts and staff records to ensure compliance.


Pratt further updated on the progress of the building sale, noting numerous tours conducted and the anticipation of setting a bid date soon. As a member of both boards, she pledged to continue working with the Foundation Board and brokers to oversee the process to its completion. Additionally, Pratt invited all attendees to assist during finals week, moved to mid-June, with further information forthcoming on participating in Juries. She urged everyone to check Board on Track for updates, as some June meetings have been rescheduled due to fewer snow days. She underscored the critical importance of these meetings, particularly for budget approval and addressing other significant matters.




General Finance Updates

Next, the Board turned their attention to the General Finance Updates. Ted Gildea, Finance Committee Chair, delivered a status update on the School's financial standing. He conveyed that the School is adhering to its budgetary objectives and presently maintains a surplus. Gildea further notified the Board of the ongoing endeavors concerning the allocation of these surplus funds within the parameters of the current fiscal year's budget. He noted potential initiatives encompass professional development opportunities for administrative and operations staff, orchestrating summer college visits for students, and prepaying invoices.




SY25 Board Meeting Calendar

Melisa Lemire directed the members' attention to the Draft SY25 Board Calendar. She urged everyone to examine it closely and promptly inform Jordan Pina, Chief Operating Officer, of any conflicts identified.

III. Committee Updates


Governance Committee Updates

Melisa Lemire, Board Chair, noted that the Governance Committee met prior to this meeting and discussed various school updates, aligning with the topics Sonya covered in the General Updates. Lemire highlighted that the discussion also included strategies for board growth, emphasizing retention and engagement over expansion. Additionally, the Committee briefly reviewed upcoming important events, including the upcoming Board retreat scheduled for August.


Finance Committee Updates

All updates had previously been covered during the meeting.



Academic Excellence Committee Update

Alekz Hirschmann shared that the Academic Excellence Committee met with Principal Laura Edouard earlier in the week to discuss the most recent set of academic data. Hirschmann noted the upcoming Math MCAS and reported that progress reports have just been finalized, showing particularly strong results among the 12th graders. He also mentioned that meetings with families of students at risk of not passing are progressing well and ahead of schedule, with the expectation that most students will receive the necessary support.


Hirschmann highlighted the success of Saturday test prep sessions, which have been very well attended. Additionally, he noted discussions about 11th and 12th graders tutoring 10th graders preparing for the MCAS, fostering community spirit.


Lastly, Hirschmann expressed optimism about enrollment for the next academic year, with strong numbers for rising 11th graders and a solid number of 12th graders returning.


Executive Director Support Committee

Jacqueline Bennett, Committee Chair, noted that the Committee met to primarily address the Executive Director's SY25 Contract. Bennett underscored the Committee's recommendation to renew several existing components of the contract, including a $10,000 performance bonus and a $12,000 professional development stipend. Additionally, the Committee proposes a 10% salary increase for Sonya, Executive Director, for SY25, citing her exceptional leadership and personal sacrifices in managing the School. Bennett highlighted that this adjustment aligns with the compensation standards for School leaders in Massachusetts Charter Schools. Furthermore, the Committee suggests an additional $4,000 bonus for Sonya, consistent with bonuses provided to other staff members. Finally, Bennett mentioned the recommendation to permit Sonya to carry over any unused vacation hours and Month-Long sabbatical for July due to preplanned events.






Vote to Accept the Recommendation of the Executive Director Support Committee

Jacqueline Bennett made a motion to to accept the recommendation of the ED Support Committee to amend the Executive Director contract, per the discussed changes, and to delegate authority to the Chair to ratify the agreement.
Melisa Lemire seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Andres Tejeda Soto
Ted Gildea
Edelyn Contreras
Alekz Hirschmann
Kimberley Thai Small
Melisa Lemire
Danielle Canty
Brooke Fincke
Jacqueline Bennett
Gabriela (Gaby) DeLeon-Evora

IV. Organizational Goals Dashboard


Organizational Goals Dashboard

Finally, the Board turned its attention to the Organizational Goals Dashboard. Pratt provided updates on educational outcomes. Notably, current passing rates stand at 85% in English arts, 77.9% in math, 90.4% in science, and 81.6% for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Pratt highlighted that the Class of 2024 is projected to achieve a graduation rate of 94%, indicating strong performance. Moreover, she mentioned that 81% of the class has been accepted into two or four-year post-secondary institutions. Pratt also mentioned that all ninth-grade students have applied to either a charter school or a Boston Public School (BPS), with many still undecided or waitlisted. Efforts are ongoing to determine if students with IEPs have been accepted at a school to prepare their paperwork accordingly. Overall, Pratt concluded that the data reflects positive trends in Organizational Performance.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:13 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Melisa Lemire
Documents used during the meeting
  • COAH_BS_4.30.24.pdf
  • COAH_P&L_4.30.24.pdf
  • SY25 Board Calendar [DRAFT] - Board Calendar 2024-25.pdf
  • CoaH Organizational Goals Dashboard - May 14 .pdf