City on a Hill Charter Public School


April 2024 Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 4:00 PM

This meeting took place remotely pursuant to a supplemental budget bill which, among other things, extends the temporary provisions pertaining to the Open Meeting Law to March 31, 2025 signed into law by Governor Healey on March 29, 2023. The meeting was held via Zoom at

Committee Members Present

Brooke Fincke (remote), Melisa Lemire (remote)

Committee Members Absent

Ted Gildea

Guests Present

Asha Ibrahim, Jordan Lopez (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Melisa Lemire called a meeting of the Governance Committee of City on a Hill Charter Public School to order on Tuesday Apr 23, 2024 at 4:03 PM.


Approve February 2024 Meeting Minutes

Melisa Lemire made a motion to approve the minutes from February 2024 Governance Committee Meeting on 02-13-24.
Brooke Fincke seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Melisa Lemire
Ted Gildea
Brooke Fincke

II. General School and Compliance Updates


General School and Compliance Updates

Melisa Lemire, Board Chair, shifted the Committee's focus to General School and Compliance Updates. Jordan Pina, Chief Operating Officer, delivered updates on various aspects of the school's current state, covering Enrollment figures, Staff transitions, Building Updates, and Negotiation outcomes. Pina highlighted a slight decrease in enrollment but emphasized its resilience compared to the previous year. Additionally, she mentioned the dismissal of one staff member due to performance concerns, managed through existing contingency plans. Pina also announced the official listing of the school building for sale, with inquiries received from sectors like Youth Build, and building tours have commenced. Finally, she reported the conclusion of negotiations for the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Union.




III. Board Growth & Engagement Discussion


Board Growth & Engagement Discussion

The Committee shifted their focus to the discussion on Board Growth & Engagement. They deliberated on whether to prioritize the growth of Board members, especially considering the impending closure of the School. Pina highlighted interest from a potential new recruit. The Committee expressed concerns about whether these recruits are informed about the closure and if joining at this juncture would be advantageous. Overall, the consensus of the Committee was to emphasize focusing on retaining current Board members and suspending recruitment efforts. Additionally, they decided to continue retention initiatives and address a potential recruit who has been waiting in the queue.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:27 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brooke Fincke
Documents used during the meeting