City on a Hill Charter Public School
December 2023 Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday December 12, 2023 at 4:00 PM
This meeting took place remotely pursuant to a supplemental budget bill which, among other things, extends the temporary provisions pertaining to the Open Meeting Law to March 31, 2025 signed into law by Governor Healey on March 29, 2023. The meeting was held via Zoom at
Committee Members Present
Brooke Fincke (remote), Melisa Lemire (remote), Ted Gildea (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened
Melisa Lemire
Guests Present
Jacqueline Bennett (remote), Jordan Lopez (remote), Sonya Pratt (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve October 2023 Meeting Minutes
Roll Call | |
Ted Gildea |
Brooke Fincke |
Melisa Lemire |
Approve November 2023 Meeting Minutes
Roll Call | |
Melisa Lemire |
Ted Gildea |
Brooke Fincke |
II. Leadership Transitions Discussion
Leadership Transitions Discussion
III. General School and Compliance Updates
General School and Compliance Updates
Next, the Committee turned to the General School and Compliance Updates. Sonya Pratt, Executive Director, noted that given this Committee recently met, she did not have many additional updates since November. Pratt shared that she met with the Charter School Office to share her transition news ahead of the announcement to the full Board and School. She also shared that since the Board's last discussion, she has had further discussions with School staff, and she believes that Laura Edouard, Principal, will remain at the School in the role of Chief Academic Officer and that they are discussing appointing an interim principal from the School's current leadership team. She explained that this structure will retain knowledge at the school level while also providing the next Executive Director with the opportunity to make a different principal decision if they so choose. Committee members agreed that it would be strongly beneficial to retain Edouard's experience.
She also reminded the Committee that she and Jordan Pina, Chief Operating Officer, would soon be meeting with CentralSource, the School's contract business office, to begin the budgeting process and finalizing a long term financial plan to share with the incoming Executive Director. She also noted that this is the School's first step to preparing for negotiations with the unionized staff of City on a Hill, and that they would further update the Board on that process in a future executive session.
The Committee inquired into the current enrollment landscape. Pratt shared that enrollment is currently 197, which reflects both an increase since the fall and a steady retention of students for the past several weeks. The Committee thanked her for her updates.
IV. Board Growth & Engagement Discussion
Board Growth & Engagement Discussion
Finally, the Committee turned their attention to the Board Growth & Engagement Discussion. Lemire noted that a Board candidate, Gaby DeLeon, who had previously met with Brooke Fincke, Board Clerk, would be joining tonight's full Board Meeting to be presented for a vote to approve her as a member. Lemire shared that DeLeon is from Boston, and looking to bring her experience in finance and operations.
Lemire asked Pina if there were any more candidates that came through the School's posting. Pina shared that while they were receiving applications, the majority believed it to be a paid position or did not match the Committee's profile of needed skills. She noted, however, that she will continue to monitor the posting and send any additional candidates to this Committee.
Ted Gildea, Board Vice Chair & Treasurer, directed the attention of the Committee and guests to the Leadership Transitions Discussion. He noted that the Board had selected a finalist, AAM Search, to lead Executive Director recruitment, and the Committee was looking for discussion on the scope and terms of the agreement. Jacqueline Bennett, Chair of the Executive Director Support Committee, also joined the discussion given her background in executive searches within the educational sector and her role on the Board in supporting the Executive Director.
The Committee first discussed timeline, noting that AAM would intend to launch the search before Winter Break. Gildea noted that in conversations with several folks, he and Melisa Lemire, Board Chair, had been advised to launch as soon as possible, and that the Winter Break would be a time where candidates might have more time to engage in the process. Bennett also asked to clarify how long AAM would engage, and Gildea shared that the timeline is fluid as the engagement would last as long as it took to secure an Executive Director. He noted that ideally, it would be completed by April 2024.
Then, the Committee discussed the scope of AAM's involvement. Gildea shared that AAM would source candidates, lead the interview process, and would complete references, but noted the Board would have to conduct an independent background check. He also noted that Board members would be involved. Bennett also suggested that this is reflected in the finalized contract, as it is important that it is all clearly laid out that AAM would be the primary project manager. The Committee also noted that following execution of the contract, a timeline for engaging with the Board should be established with AAM and announced at an upcoming meeting. The Committee thanked Bennett for her expertise, and she left the meeting.