City on a Hill Charter Public School
May 2023 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday May 3, 2023 at 5:00 PM
This meeting took place remotely pursuant to a supplemental budget bill which, among other things, extends the temporary provisions pertaining to the Open Meeting Law to March 31, 2025 signed into law by Governor Healey on March 29, 2023.
Committee Members Present
Alekz Hirschmann (remote), Edelyn Contreras (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
Jordan Lopez (remote), Michael McGean (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Alekz Hirschmann called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of City on a Hill Charter Public School to order on Wednesday May 3, 2023 at 5:05 PM.
Approve February 2023 Minutes
Alekz Hirschmann made a motion to approve the minutes from February 2023. February 2023 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting on 02-06-23.
Edelyn Contreras seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Edelyn Contreras |
Alekz Hirschmann |
II. SY2022-23 Q3 Academic Data Review & School Updates
SY2022-23 Q3 Academic Data Review & School Updates
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alekz Hirschmann
Documents used during the meeting
- CoaH Academic Data 2022-2023_May2023.pdf
Jordan Pina, Chief of Staff, welcomed the Committee and shared that Michael McGean, Director of Teacher Development & Compliance, would be presenting the School's updates for this meeting. McGean introduced himself further, sharing that in addition to the work he does in the compliance and professional development programming, he is also a math teacher at CoaH and was excited to discuss results for Quarter 3 of school year 2022-2023.
McGean shared that while there was a dip in overall passing rates from Quarter 2 to Quarter three, the majority of classes have more than 75% passing rate, with key trends showing that 9th graders have the most improvement and that the Spanish courses identified as needing more targeted support during the Quarter 2 review had also shown great improvement to Quarter 3. The Committee inquired as to the percentage of classes meeting that 75% passing rate, and McGean responded that it was 68% of classes. McGean went on to share that on average both math and english courses have continued to improve over both school years 2020-21 and 2021-2022, and while the current science average is below that of school year 2021-2022, we have still seen improvement over 2020-2021.
Committee members inquired about current physics results, as it was the science course with the largest change from the previous school year. McGean shared that there was a teacher transition mid-year that affected the course, but that the current teacher is very strong and is currently working with McGean and the Principal to ensure a strong Quarter 4.
McGean then transitioned to the School's action plans to address areas of concern and end the year strong. He shared that the Leadership Team and staff have been working together to meet one-on-one with all families of students currently at risk of repeating or being unable to graduate to stress urgency and provide support. The Committee asked how these meetings have been received, and McGean shared that while the meetings are not yet all completed, those that he have been a part of have been very successful in engaging the student and family in a plan. He added that the framing of the meetings has been to share that there is still time and opportunity to meet requirements, and families have been thankful for the proactive approach.
McGean also added that the School is working to support the students who will be taking the Biology MCAS during the June administration. While most students will take the MCAS during the same year that they are taking biology, those who have not met competency ratings in previous years will also be include. He shared that for those students who are not currently taking a biology class, staff is currently supplying prep materials and teachers are creating independent work time for that use over the next five weeks. He also added that an element of the test that the School is addressing is the elements of reading comprehension outside of the content. The Committee asked how many students needed to retake the test, and McGean replied he didn't have the number on hand but would estimate 10-15 students, which was higher than retakes for other MCAS subjects.
Next, McGean presented the School's academic goals, noting that the winter administration of the NWEA MAP Test had been completed. He reiterated on the school's goals of 70% of students meeting or exceeding ELA and Math MAP growth goals and 50% of students meeting or exceeding Science MAP growth goals. McGean then shared that based on these numbers ELA and Math were both partial on track, with 50% and 63% respectfully, and science on track to meet the goal with 71%. He also noted that this data was reviewed with all teachers, and is being implemented in future teaching plans. Then McGean shared that the school is continuing to meet its goal of 85% (or better) average daily attendance with the quarter 3 average being 87%. The Committee inquired if this goal would be raised for the following school year, and Pina confirmed that it would though it has not been finalized. He then shared that the school's suspension rate remains below 10%, with a current rate of 6.77%.