City on a Hill Charter Public School
June 2022 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday June 27, 2022 at 5:00 PM
This meeting took place remotely pursuant to An Act Extending certain COVID-19 Measures Adopted During the State of Emergency signed into law by Governor Baker on June 16, 2021.
Committee Members Present
Massiel Eversley (remote), Robyn Shahid (remote), Sarah Griffin (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Edelyn Contreras
Guests Present
Jordan Lopez (remote), Laura Edouard (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Sarah Griffin called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of City on a Hill Charter Public School to order on Monday Jun 27, 2022 at 5:04 PM.
Approve April 2022 Minutes
Sarah Griffin made a motion to approve the minutes from April 2022. April 2022 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting on 04-07-22.
Massiel Eversley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Massiel Eversley |
Sarah Griffin |
Robyn Shahid |
Edelyn Contreras |
II. SY2021-22 Academic Data Review & School Updates
SY2021-22 Academic Data Review & School Updates
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:39 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Griffin
Documents used during the meeting
- CoaH Academic Data Q3 2021-2022.pdf
Sarah Griffin, Committee Chair, directed the attention of the Committee to the School Year 2021-2022 Academic Data Review and School Updates. Laura Edouard, Principal, thanked the Committee for their time and shared that given that the grading period for Quarter 4 was not yet over, her presentation would focus primarily on Quarter 3 results with updates on next steps for Quarter 4 analysis.
To begin, Edouard noted that general trends show improvement from Quarter 2 to Quarter 3, as well a positive trend when comparing Quarter 3 to the same quarter of the previous school year. She also noted that in general upperclassmen were performing the best, as evidenced by the school's 98.7% graduation rate, though lowerclassmen made the most growth from Quarter 2 to Quarter 3. She noted other positive trends included 9% growth across the School's English Language Learners.
Edouard stated that growth areas include Spanish 1, where students did not have a full-time teacher this school year, as well as Biology and Algebra 2. She confirmed that the School is addressing these trends by overhiring in the Spanish Department, and making adjustments to the math and science curricula. She also noted that while there were slight decreases within AP Courses, the School believes this to be a matter of rigor following the College Board's shifts in post-Pandemic testing. Edouard also shared that the School is not only looking at the data by subject, but also grade level and special populations to ensure equitable growth and access.
Then, Edouard shifted to the School's plans looking forward. She began by describing the School's update of grading practices to align across departments and put a focus on "mastery." She shared that shift is coming after conversations with peer charters, and would mean 80% of a students grade would be "mastery" assignments, such as tests and essays, and 20% "practice" assignments, like homework. This approach also gives a baseline score of 50% for students who complete an assignment, and allows for and encourages retakes and revisions. The School believes this new approach not only better aligns practices with high performing Schools, but creates a learning environment that encourages continuing to try to gain the competencies of the course. The Committee agreed that this approach would align both with the academic goals set for for the School related to student growth, and contributes to a positive School culture.
Next, Edouard shared that to address the ongoing concerns of writing scores, the School has decided to shift programming for the next school year. Instead of a Tutorial Program, there will be a full-time writing teacher with a curriculum for both 9th and 10th grade students. This curriculum is being developed by one of the School's current math teachers in conjunction with the Vice Principal to be ready for the fall.
The Committee then inquired about the status of hiring for the next school year. Jordan Pina, Chief of Staff, shared that generally hiring has gone smoothly and followed the process discussed with this Committee earlier in the school year. She named at this point there are two pools for hiring: summer school and school year 2022-2023. Pina noted that Summer School was roughly 70% hired with several offers out for signature, as well as conversations with current staff as back up in case there is additional need by the time Summer School opens.
Pina shared that for the school year, the School has filled the majority of the admin and operations roles for next school year, including Specialized Services Coordinator, Executive Coordinator, and Data & Systems Manager, and shared that the remaining role of Finance and HR Manager has several promising candidates.
She also confirmed that instructional hiring is moving, though the School recognizes the closer to the school year it gets without a candidate, the harder it is to fill the position. Pina shared that while there are finalists for almost all roles remaining, an exception is Special Education Teacher, for which the school has three openings currently. She shared that the school has diversified its advertisement of job postings and has had conversations with staffing agencies, but those agencies are also having trouble recruiting in the Specialized Services field. She noted, however, that hiring remains a top priority and all hiring managers continue to meet on a weekly basis to complete the process.
The Committee inquired as to the morale of the staff. Edouard and Pina both shared that they felt morale continues to trend positively, pointing to the sharp increase in staff who will be returning to next year. Pina also noted that now that a tentative two-year agreement has been reached with the Unit A and Unit B members of the School's staff, the School believes they will be able to build upon the cultural gains of the year while having a pause in negotiations.