City on a Hill Charter Public School


December 2020 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 8, 2020 at 5:00 PM

This meeting took place remotely pursuant to the March 12, 2020 Baker-Polito Administration announcement of an emergency order temporarily modifying the state’s open meeting law.

Trustees Present

Andres Tejeda Soto (remote), Cara Stillings-Candal (remote), Edelyn Contreras (remote), Gary Morton (remote), Jack Gearan (remote), Jacqueline Bennett (remote), Jeff Jablow (remote), Jessica Yang (remote), Melisa Lemire (remote), Sarah Griffin (remote), Ted Gildea (remote)

Trustees Absent

Karin Wall

Guests Present

Jordan Lopez (remote), Maddie Collins (remote), Sonya Pratt (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Cara Stillings-Candal called a meeting of the board of trustees of City on a Hill Charter Public School to order on Tuesday Dec 8, 2020 at 5:05 PM.


Approve October 2020 Meeting Minutes

Cara Stillings-Candal made a motion to approve the minutes from October 2020 Board Meeting on 10-27-20.
Ted Gildea seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jessica Yang
Sarah Griffin
Jeff Jablow
Karin Wall
Andres Tejeda Soto
Cara Stillings-Candal
Gary Morton
Jack Gearan
Edelyn Contreras
Ted Gildea
Melisa Lemire
Jacqueline Bennett


Vote to Renew the Term of Melisa Lemire

Cara Stillings-Candal made a motion to Renew the Term of Melisa Lemire.
Andres Tejeda Soto seconded the motion.
The Board discussed Lemire's extensive Board involvement. Cara Candal proposed to renew Melissa Lemire's Board Term.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Melisa Lemire
Edelyn Contreras
Sarah Griffin
Ted Gildea
Jeff Jablow
Gary Morton
Jack Gearan
Andres Tejeda Soto
Jacqueline Bennett
Cara Stillings-Candal
Jessica Yang
Karin Wall

II. Fifth Forbearance Amendment Discussion


Forbearance Amendment Update

This section was not covered.

III. Enrollment Update


Enrollment Policy Amendment and Enrollment Plan

This section was not covered.

IV. Virtual Learning Update and Data Deep Dive


Virtual Learning Update and Data Deep Dive

Sonya Pratt, Chief of School, began the discussion with highlighting trends in the Quarter 1
data from City on a Hill. She shared grade level data at a glance from both Q1 Progress
Reports as well as Q1 Final Grades (report cards), and noted that while passing rates have
risen since progress reports, achievement is far off from goals. Pratt noted that trends, such
as barriers to virtual community engagement and younger teachers adjusting to remote
teaching while starting their career, as factors in these results.

Pratt shared that City on a Hill is tracking attendance closely in Quarter 2 to examine the
correlation between attendance and academic achievement. School leadership's plan to address low engagement, including implementing additional culture building meetings and shifts to class schedule to adjust to the realities of interacting through technology, and forming a Pandemic problem-solving school leader group.

The Board discussed if there were other indicators, such as make up work, outside of attendance that were affecting academic performance. Pratt shared that COAH extended Quarter 1 and allowed students to make up work during that time period, which attributed to the increase in final grades compared to Progress Report grades.

Pratt shared that family communication has been made a priority this school year, with families receiving a biweekly email with school updates and having the opportunity to attend a monthly Family Council meeting.

The Board asked what training was in place for novice teachers to improve their practice. Pratt shared that COAH has regular new teacher professional development sessions in place, sharing out best practices, and a teacher mentoring program. 

The discussion concluded with Pratt sharing that after receiving Quarter 2 Progress Report data next week, City on a Hill will have more information to formulate a plan for moving forward in the academic year. 

V. New Website Overview


New Website Overview

Jordan Pina, Chief of Staff, shared City on a Hill's new website with the Board. Pina explained that when COAH was looking into rebranding the school's website, the priority was that it was a resource for families to have easily navigable access to the information they needed to set their students up for success.

Pina also shared that the website was launched alongside an app that allows COAH to send push notifications directly to students' and families' devices. Pina shared that the new website platform interacts with Powerschool, allowing City on a Hill to have comprehensive communication capabilities with up to date contact information for students and families.

VI. Committee Scope and Sequence Discussion


Committee Scope and Sequence Presentation

Jordan Pina, Chief of Staff, shared the rationale of creating a Committee Scope and Sequence document as a tool for Committee members and chairpersons to have a an arc of responsibilities throughout the year.

Pina shared that the document will also be used as a resource to members who are new to the Board to orient themselves to the work of each Committee. 


Committee Scope and Sequence Discussion

Cara Candal, Board Chair, added that this document will also serve to codify what each Committee discusses throughout the year as well as the Committee's purpose. Candal asked newer Board members to connect with her if they see items in the document that are missing and could be helpful in the on boarding process of new Board members in the future.

VII. Board Committee Update


Governance Committee Update

Melisa Lemire, Committee Chair, shared that the Committee did not meet in November. Lemire asked the Board to share any names of potential Board members with the Committee.

The Committee is still working to identify the candidates for the positions of Chair and Vice Chair of the Board. 


Development Committee Update

Jack Gearan, Committee Chair, shared an overview of the December 2020 Development Committee Meeting. Gearan shared that City on a Hill has a virtual cooking class event with a local business, Jamaica Mi Hungry, on 12/16.

Jordan Pina, Chief of Staff, shared more information about ticket sales for the event as well as COAH's donations to date for the year. 

The update concluded with Gearan sharing that the Virtual Gala planning is still underway. The Committee looks to have a Development event planned regurarly to encourage engagement leading up to the Virtual Gala.


Academic Excellence Committee Update

Sarah Griffin, Committee Chair, shared that the updates from the Academic Excellence Committee were covered in the Virtual Learning Update and Data Deep Dive section of the Committee. 

She also shared that the Committee will continue to interpret both teacher and student data closely.


CEO Support Committee

Jacqueline Bennett, Committee Chair, shared that the Committee needed reschedule and will have an update at the next Board meeting.


Finance Committee Update

Andres Tejeda Soto, Committee Chair, gave an overview of the November 2020 Finance Committee Meeting. Soto shared that City on a Hill is in a stronger financial position than the school has been in the past. He shared that Committee continues to receive updates regarding the Forbearance Agreement with Boston Private.

Soto asked that any Board member has a contact with a lending institution to connect with the Finance Committee. The update concluded with Candal reiterating that COAH is in a much stronger position with both enrollment and finances than in past school years.

VIII. The CoaH Effect


The CoaH Effect

Jordan Pina shared the purpose of the CoaH Effect, a snapshot of school data that can be read like a dashboard. It is created to allow for understanding of key measures at the school and steps the organization is taking to move forward towards school year goals.

Pina walked through COAH Effect dashboard and provided explanation of the progress towards each goal, including additional context for goals.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:51 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cara Stillings-Candal