City on a Hill Charter Public School


November 2020 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 24, 2020 at 5:00 PM

Committee Members Present

Andres Tejeda Soto (remote), Edelyn Contreras (remote), Sarah Griffin (remote), Sonya Pratt (remote)

Committee Members Absent

Karin Wall

Guests Present

Jordan Lopez (remote), Maddie Collins (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Sarah Griffin called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of City on a Hill Charter Public School to order on Tuesday Nov 24, 2020 at 5:17 PM.


Approve October 2020 Minutes

Sarah Griffin made a motion to approve the minutes from October 2020 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting on 10-26-20.
Andres Tejeda Soto seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kevin Taylor
Sarah Griffin
Laura Edouard
Andres Tejeda Soto
Edelyn Contreras
Karin Wall

II. Q1 Data Review


Q1 Data Review

Sonya Pratt, Chief of School, began the discussion with highlighting trends in the Quarter 1 data from City on a Hill. She shared grade level data at a glance from both Q1 Progress Reports as well as Q1 Final Grades (report cards), and noted that while passing rates have risen since progress reports, achievement is far off from goals. Pratt noted that trends, such as barriers to virtual community engagement and younger teachers adjusting to remote teaching while starting their career, as factors in these results.

Pratt shared that City on a Hill is tracking attendance closely in Quarter 2 to examine the correlation between attendance and academic achievement. She also shared academic data broken down by class to allow for the Committee to discuss trends along grade level and courses. The Committee discussed grade-level interventions, particularly for 9th graders, and school leadership's plan to address low engagement, including implementing additional culture building meetings and shifts to class schedule to adjust to the realities of interacting through technology, and forming a Pandemic problem-solving school leader group.

III. Academic Action Plan Progress Update


Academic Action Plan Progress Update

Due to limited time, this section as not covered.
Jordan Pina, Chief of Staff, shared that the City on a Hill Academic Needs Action Plan is currently being revised to accommodate changes needed to adapt to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Pina confirmed that the culture-related goals to reduce suspensions, increase retention, and student belonging would not be adjusted, and that academic-related goals would be confirmed by the next Academic Excellence Committee meeting.

IV. Academic Excellence Committee SY20-21 Goals


Academic Excellence Committee SY20-21 Goals

Due to limited time, this section was not covered.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:03 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Griffin