City on a Hill Charter Public School


September 2018 Governance Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 11, 2018 at 3:30 PM


City Year Inc, 287 Columbus Ave, Room 527, Boston, MA 02116

Committee Members Present

Cara Stillings-Candal, Jackie Hayes, Jeff Jablow, Melisa Lemire

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Jordan Lopez (remote), Kevin Taylor (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Two additional members of the public were present for the meeting. 


Call the Meeting to Order

Melisa Lemire called a meeting of the Governance Committee of City on a Hill Charter Public School to order on Tuesday Sep 11, 2018 at 3:38 PM.


Approve Minutes

The Board did not vote on the prior meeting minutes at this meeting. This vote will be held during the next meeting, 

II. SY19 Committee Composition


SY19 Committee Composition

Lemire began by asking Committee members and guests to introduce themselves. The Committee then discussed potential composition of the various Board committees and proposed chairs for each committee. The Committee also discuss asking each committee at the upcoming Board meeting to set goals and a proposed meeting schedule prior to the October Board meeting. 

The committee discussed potentially changing the name of the Finance Committee to the Finance and Facilities Committee to reflect that the Finance Committee will be taking on Facilities work as well this year, but decided to keep the name the same to avoid causing confusion.  



Norms and expectations for Board Members

The Committee then turned to a discussion of Board member norms raised by Cara Candal. While this was not a planned agenda item, the discussion of Committee membership raised the issue. 

The Committee discussed potential norms for helping improve the quality of the Boards participation. Potential goals included goals around engagement, attendance at events outside of Board meetings (juries, graduation, etc.), and response time to communication. 


Growing the Board

The Committee discussed the need to grow the Board. The Committee discussed potential goals for Board growth around diversity, a mix of location between Boston and New Bedford focused members, and mix of skill sets to support critical work of the Board. The Board reviewed potential candidates for Board membership and discussed a plan to continue to engage with the candidates to assess interest. Finally, the Committee discussed a proposed process for vetting and bringing on new members. The Committee set a goal of recruiting two new members by the middle of the year and the steps necessary to meet this goal.  


Open Meeting Law Compliance

The Committee discussed retraining the Board on compliance with Open Meeting Laws to ensure that everyone on the Board shares the same baseline knowledge. Jackie Hayes answered some questions around various topics related to Open Meeting Law compliance. Jackie Hayes and Jordan Pina will present on Open Meeting Laws during the full Board meeting on September 17, 2018. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Melisa Lemire made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Cara Stillings-Candal seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:42 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Melisa Lemire