City on a Hill Charter Public School
CoaH Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday October 26, 2017 at 2:30 PM
City Year (Confirmed)
Committee Members Present
Ginger Parker, Jeff Jablow, Kim Wechtenhiser
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
Sally Bachofer
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Kim Wechtenhiser called a meeting of the Governance Committee of City on a Hill Charter Public School to order on Thursday Oct 26, 2017 at 2:35 PM.
Approve Minutes
II. Governance
Discuss Board Development Plan
Ginger: Can we incorporate board education topics into the plan, focused on board training, perhaps related to the board assessment?
Sally: General education board topics in addition to new board member onboarding
Kim: Committee assess and prioritize topics based on outcomes of the board assessment.
Jeff: Add in key outcome of board leadership transition in 90 days.
All in favor of presenting to the board wiht that adjustment.
Sally: General education board topics in addition to new board member onboarding
Kim: Committee assess and prioritize topics based on outcomes of the board assessment.
Jeff: Add in key outcome of board leadership transition in 90 days.
All in favor of presenting to the board wiht that adjustment.
Review and Discuss Calendar of Required Board Oversight Activities and Votes
Sally presented document as a calendar of working content for each month in order to assist staff with planning board calendar and reporting.
Sally will send this to solicit feedback from each committee chair with the goal of presenting at the November meeting.
Sally will send this to solicit feedback from each committee chair with the goal of presenting at the November meeting.
Discuss Launch of Full Board Assessment
All in favor of sharing with full board.
Kim will send this out to everyone.
Kim will send this out to everyone.
Discuss Individual Trustee, Officer, and Committee Job Descriptions
General board JD: Change name, suggestion to adopt language of CEO (instead of ED).
Individual Trustee Performance Expectations: Need to crosswalk with existing individual trustee job description. Jeff will send to Kim to align the two and bring back to Gov committee next meeting.
Officer descriptions: update to include two year term per CoaH bylaws, and renewable per bylaws (perhaps total of two 2 year terms?)
Consider bringing to board in December.
Individual Trustee Performance Expectations: Need to crosswalk with existing individual trustee job description. Jeff will send to Kim to align the two and bring back to Gov committee next meeting.
Officer descriptions: update to include two year term per CoaH bylaws, and renewable per bylaws (perhaps total of two 2 year terms?)
Consider bringing to board in December.
Discuss Process and Timeline to Complete Succession Planning for Officers
Anticipate new chair to take office in July, and begin shadowing Ginger in advance of that date. Necessary in terms of identifying a permanent CEO as well. Will need to align with timing of the search committee.
Need to assess candidates against current chair job descripton. Assess whether existing board members are interested, and or recruit with potential chair in mind.
Need to incorporate potential board chair candidates into general board member recruitment strategy with a goal of idenftiying someone in January/February.
Board member recruitment strategy needs to be priority item for next board meeting.
Need to assess candidates against current chair job descripton. Assess whether existing board members are interested, and or recruit with potential chair in mind.
Need to incorporate potential board chair candidates into general board member recruitment strategy with a goal of idenftiying someone in January/February.
Board member recruitment strategy needs to be priority item for next board meeting.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:27 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kim Wechtenhiser
Jeff Jablow
Sally Bachofer
Kim Wechtenhiser