City on a Hill Charter Public School
September 2023 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 5:00 PM | |||
A. | Record Attendance | Melisa Lemire | 2 m | ||
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | Melisa Lemire | 1 m | ||
C. | Approve June 2023 Meeting Minutes | Approve Minutes | Melisa Lemire | 1 m | |
D. | Approve August 2023 Meeting Minutes | Approve Minutes | Melisa Lemire | 1 m | |
II. | School Year 2023-2024 Updates | 5:05 PM | |||
A. | School Year 2023-2024 Kickoff Updates | Discuss | Sonya Pratt | 10 m | |
Sonya Pratt, Executive Director, and Jordan Pina, Chief Operating Officer, provide an overview of staff orientation and outline key events throughout the fall. |
B. | School Year 2023-2024 Goals | Discuss | Sonya Pratt | 20 m | |
Sonya Pratt, Executive Director, reviews the updated City on a Hill Organizational Goals for School Year 2023-2024, and discusses Board-specific goals from the SY24-28 Strategic Plan. Melisa Lemire, Chair, leads a discussion on how the Board will achieve those goals. |
C. | School Year 2023-2024 Board Calendar & Committee Assignments | Discuss | Melisa Lemire | 15 m | |
Melisa Lemire, Chair, reviews the School Year 2023-2024 Board of Trustees calendar and discusses confirmation of Committee assignments. |
III. | Circuit Street Renovation / Construction Update | 5:50 PM | |||
A. | Circuit Street Construction Update & Discussion | Discuss | Melisa Lemire | 10 m | |
Sonya Pratt, Executive Director, provides updates around renovation and construction plans for the Circuit Street building. Melisa Lemire, Chair, and Ted Gildea, Vice Chair, lead a conversation around future plans. |
IV. | Finance Updates & Discussion | 6:00 PM | |||
A. | General School Financials Update | Discuss | Ted Gildea | 20 m | |
Sonya Pratt, Executive Director, and Cynthia Marie, CEO of Central Source, present the School's most recent financials. Ted Gildea, Vice Chair & Treasurer, leads a conversation with the Board. |
B. | Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Audit Update | FYI | Sonya Pratt | 5 m | |
Sonya Pratt, Executive Director, and Cynthia Marie, CEO of Central Source, present an update on the School's FY23 Audit. |
C. | Vote to Approve the FY24 Fiscal Policies and Procedures | Vote | Melisa Lemire | 10 m | |
Jordan Pina, Chief Operating Officer, describes proposed edits to City on a Hill's Fiscal Policies and Procedures. Melisa Lemire, Chair, leads a discussion about the proposed changes and calls for a vote to approve. |
V. | Consent Agenda | 6:35 PM | |||
A. | Vote to Approve the School Year 2023-2024 Staff Handbook | Vote | Jordan Pina | 5 m | |
Jordan Pina, Chief Operating Officer, presents updates to the School Year 2023-2024 Staff Handbook and calls for questions. Melisa Lemire, Chair, leads a discussion and calls for a vote to approve. |
B. | Vote to the Approve School Year 2023-2024 Student and Family Handbook | Vote | Sonya Pratt | 5 m | |
Sonya Pratt, Executive Director, presents updates to the School Year 2023-2024 Student and Family Handbook and calls for questions. Melisa Lemire, Chair, leads a discussion and calls for a vote to approve. |
C. | Vote to Approve Updated Executive Director Succession Plan | Vote | Melisa Lemire | 5 m | |
Jordan Pina, Chief Operating Officer, shares an overview of proposed updates to the Executive Director Succession Plan. Melisa Lemire, Chair, leads a discussion of changes before calling for a vote to approve. |
D. | Vote to Approve a Second Term for Ted Gildea & Edelyn Contreras | Vote | Melisa Lemire | 5 m | |
Melisa Lemire, Chair, presents Ted Gildea and Edelyn Contreras for reappointment to a second term, and calls for a vote to approve. |
E. | Vote to Re-Appoint Officers | Vote | Melisa Lemire | 5 m | |
Melisa Lemire leads a discussion of the current Board Officers, which currently include:
Following discussion, Lemire calls for a vote to re-appoint all Officers for School Year 2023-2024. |
VI. | Closing Items | 7:00 PM | |||
A. | Adjourn Meeting | Vote | Melisa Lemire |