City on a Hill Charter Public School
February 2022 Development Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday February 10, 2022 at 9:00 AM EST
This meeting took place remotely pursuant to An Act Extending certain COVID-19 Measures Adopted During the State of Emergency signed into law by Governor Baker on June 16, 2021.
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve October 2021 Meeting Minutes | |
II. | Introduction to the Director of Development | |
A. | Introduction to the Director of Development | |
Jack Gearan, Committee Chair, and Ginger Parker, City on a Hill Foundation Board Chair, |
III. | Gala Planning | |
A. | Gala Planning | |
Jack Gearan, Committee Chair, leads the Committee in a discussion to begin planning the City |
IV. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |