Elgin Math & Science Academy
Master Planning and Environmental Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday November 13, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Our Mission:
The Elgin Math and Science Academy is an EL Education public charter school.
We strive to support the whole child and develop socially responsible leaders who aspire to create a better world.
Committee Members Present
C. Flaherty, G. Swick, K. Kelly
Committee Members Absent
D. Haight, S. Bennett
Guests Present
K. Martinez
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes of prior Meeting of the Master Planning Committee
II. Master Plan & Facilities Committee
Campus Facilities Update
Campus Grounds & Gardens
Progress being made to move logs to areas for outdoor learning spaces--3 areas identified. Adding a wi-fi access point outside of Dining Hall. Camp chairs, carpet squares, tarp squares, could be options. Use wheelbarrow to move them to the learning space.
Will be adding basketball hoop at pre-designated areas.
Chris reported that grounds maintenance etc are going well.
Campus Walking Trail Update
Consider spring trail work and clean-up. How do we apply to Kiwanis for grants?
Bird Strike Prevention
Can 1st grade look into this and make recommendations?
Chimney swifts & chimney caps
Visitors Parking on Oak Tree Roots
Chris will post snow markers now to prevent the parking on tree roots. Kathryn will send info home.
Review & Discuss Opportunities for Crew Involvement in Campus Projects
Discussed how to bring some of these topics and sustainable activities to the classroom.
Noise Pollution on Campus
Need to find contact at IDOT and study noise and sound waves (e.g., how do sound waves travel in relation to our campus and surround terrain).
Where is decibel study? Can this lead to an expedition?
Can we develop class projects that support sustainability?
Start with composting? Chris' summer series made connections with Clare from Kane Co and Illinois Food Scrap Coalition and Illinois Master Composters ALL ARE WILLING to come to EMSA to present and help. How can we use the compost? Can it be picked up? Lake Shore Recycling--can we reach out to them? Could this be part of an expedition? Right near Plote is a composting place.
Could we get one started with Mr. Karl?
Chris will donate 2 composters to get things started.
Summer Sustainability Market on campus? Weekends not Fridays....Chris and Kathryn can take leads.
Facilities Reserve Fund
III. Campus Safety
Keep in MP Committee?
It can be dark at night here--Chris will install some motion-activated solar lights.
IV. New Business
Strategic Planning
Future meetings
Discussed have alternating work meetings--do field & trail work, e.g.
Tree trimming scheduled for 12/23 weather permitting.