Elgin Math & Science Academy
Master Planning and Environmental Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 18, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Our Mission:
The Elgin Math and Science Academy is an EL Education public charter school.
We strive to support the whole child and develop socially responsible leaders who aspire to create a better world.
Committee Members Present
C. Flaherty, G. Swick, K. Kelly, S. Bennett
Committee Members Absent
D. Haight
Guests Present
D. Alexander, K. Martinez
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes of prior Meeting of the Master Planning Committee
II. Master Plan & Facilities Committee
COO Report
Campus Grounds & Gardens
C Flaherty reported on clearing pathways and areas around the school. New paths a great improvement. Logs are available for outdoor student spaces. For outdoor play & learning area behind admin bldg design includes boardwalk, paths, and clearing. Potential grants/funding could be BGCE, ComEd (esp like wetlands & prairie), CRTI, Morton Arb, eg.
Chimney swifts & chimney caps
Committee spent substantial time discussing issues created by hornets in chimney and possible solutions. Temporary measures have been taken and committee will discuss possible long-time solutions.
Campus walking trail--Kiwanis offer to help
Kiwanis along with Jaycees and another group have volunteered to help with a project on campus. Davey could donate treated mulch for a potential trail.
Possible ideas for a work session: dining hall overgrowth, dorm overgrowth, move logs for seating, trail (mark it with chalk, put in posts for kid-designed signs)
Best school opening yet--all four buildings passed all inspections, etc. Donated furniture will be arriving this month.