Elgin Math & Science Academy
Master Planning and Environmental Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 20, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Art Barn
1600 Dundee Ave
Elgin, IL 60120
Our Mission:
The Elgin Math and Science Academy is an EL Education public charter school.
We strive to support the whole child and develop socially responsible leaders who aspire to create a better world.
Committee Members Present
K. Kelly, S. Bennett
Committee Members Absent
D. Haight, G. Swick
Guests Present
Cassie Grabowski, D. Alexander
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes of the July 12, 2023 Meeting of the Master Planning Committee
II. Master Plan & Facilities Committee
Decision-making Protocols for Construction
COO Report on Construction & Campus Grounds
Review & Discuss Opportunities for Crew Involvement in Campus Projects
Strategize--Gary lead a team to review and prioritize opportunities
Facilities Reserve Fund
Reviewed Dan's solicited bid for a facilities assessment of future repairs/improvements.
Discounted price reflected in bid.
Get one more bid.
III. Campus Environment & Historical Character Advisory Group
This is a new subcommittee to the Master Plan Committee
Prepare policy for approval of activities that could impact the environment and/or historical character. This could be a duty of the MP Comm.
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:04 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
K. Kelly
Elevator work should be done next week, same with exterior doors (front and others will have cameras).
North road used during dismissal, needs some minor repair work.
Prairie plants at admin bldg looking good.
Traffic improved, a little more room for growth.
SpEd depts & Dan's offices at Admin upstairs.
West & south sides of admin bdg and
Also dino garden & green area in front
Also big field
Kerry to start letter to staff about same and solicit feedback.
Share with MP Comm 1st (BCC)
Brainstormed other locations where soccer could be played--City, U-46, private schools