Elgin Math & Science Academy
Board of Directors
Date and Time
Tuesday May 23, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Virtual Meeting
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Meeting ID: 630 883 5013
Our Mission:
The Elgin Math and Science Academy is an EL Education public charter school.
We strive to support the whole child and develop socially responsible leaders who aspire to create a better world.
Directors Present
B. Lane (remote), D. Haight (remote), G. Swick (remote), K. Kelly (remote), M. Rodriguez (remote), S. Bennett (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Gray, K. Shaw, M. Gibb
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Willer (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Willer (remote)
Guests Present
Amanda Tannhauser (remote), D. Alexander (remote), Genet Payne (remote), K. Coventry (remote), K. Taylor (remote), Karen Conzelman (remote), Kimberly Grigsby (remote), L. Beavers (remote), M. Martinez (remote), N. Para (remote), R. Manderschied (remote), S. Egger (remote), S. Ismond (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Remote Meeting due to ongoing pandemic and health concerns
Board Community Crew
II. Board Meeting
Public Comment
Approve Minutes from April 25, 2023 Board Meeting
FOIA Report
D. Alexander advised that there were no FOIA requests received.
III. Financial Report
Finance & Operations Committee Report
D. Alexander discussed the Finance and Operations Committee Report.
- Resolution for EMSA to enter an agreement with TRS. The attorney reviewed this resolution. It does not change the TRS. It is a supplemental plan that is legally required for compliance.
Financial Statements - April 30, 2023
S. Egger presented the Financials as of April 30, 2023.
S. Egger presented the 2024 Draft Budget to discuss. This Budget will need to be approved at the next Board meeting.
IV. Construction & General Operations Report
Update on Construction Progress
D. Alexander provided updates on the construction progress:
- Construction is proceeding well.
- An email will be sent tomorrow morning with updates and pictures.
- The building will be open to students on August 20th.
- The only major challenge presented is the back patio/terrace. This is being evaluated. This was presented to Master Planning, and there are several options to present to Master Planning in June.
Update on General Operations
D. Alexander provided the following updates:
- New Director of IT - Marco Trujillo who started on May 22nd. Marco comes to EMSA with years of experience as a Director of IT in schools.
- EMSA passed (2) ISBE Audits
- Financial Audit was passed. M. Martinez and D. DeJong (Accounting) helped to accomplish this.
- After School Food Program Audit was passed. The only minor finding was with the food vendor, and not with EMSA.
V. Principal's Report
Principal's Report
J. Willer presented the Principal's Report with the following updates:
- Free and Reduced Lunch Numbers: 54.9%
- Seats Filled: 413 Students
- Teacher Interview Process
- End of Year Celebration on May 26th
- NWEA Testing
- Red: Fewer students performing in Tier 1.
- Yellow: More students performing in Tier 1, but did not make goal.
- Green: Grade level made goal and more students are performing in Tier 1.
- Grey: Grade level stayed the same.
- Student to Staff Ratios/Staffing Model
- More certified staff
- Teacher Assistant positions
VI. EMSA Parent Teacher Crew Report
B. Lane provided the following EMSA PTC updates:
- New tri-president member: Maddie Toth
- Committees for fundraising
- Class Outing / 20 - 30 families showed up
- Culver's Night - Raised a good portion of money for EMSA.
VII. EMSA Committee Reports
Development and Community Outreach
K. Taylor discussed a few updates about the Developmental Committee:
- Spring appeal resulted in $4,500
- 99% of Board Participation
- Onsite visitors / scheduling visits with Kerry and Dan to have individuals on-site including prospective board members.
- One of the results ended in a major donator.
Master Planning Committee and Enviro Work Group Subcommittee
Governance Committee
The board and committee descriptions will be tabled.
K. Kelly discussed that in-person meetings will take place again starting in June. The location of these future meetings will be the Art Barn. R. Manderschied provided this information to Committees as well.
R. Manderschied will contact the Committee chairs to determine the location and schedule for the coming year. These meeting schedules will be approved at the June Board Meeting.