Elgin Math & Science Academy
Academic Excellence Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday May 18, 2023 at 3:15 PM
Our Mission:
The Elgin Math and Science Academy is an EL Education public charter school.
We strive to support the whole child and develop socially responsible leaders who aspire to create a better world.
Committee Members Present
B. Lane (remote), G. Swick (remote), J. Willer (remote), K. Kelly (remote), L. Beavers (remote), P. Heer (remote), S. Ismond (remote)
Committee Members Absent
G. Marshall, K. Shaw, L. Sterba, M. Rodriguez
Guests Present
K. Coventry (remote), R. Manderschied (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. GOALS of Academic Excellence Committee
Academic Excellence & 3 Dimensions of Student Achievement
III. Student Achievement
Reviewing NWEA Data
J. Willer presented the NWEA data. This data set has some variables to consider and needs more in-depth analysis before we can be certain of how we can apply it to next year and the continuous improvement of our students.
Highlights of the NWEA Data for the 22-23 School Year Document:
- The data set starts off with Fall benchmark data, as a reminder this is the number of students at grade level within each classroom.
- We came back with the same amount of students on grade level in reading, and more students on grade level in math.
- In the winter, we saw general overall growth in the number of students who were performing at grade level.
- In the spring, we currently have fewer students performing at benchmark across school, and in a majority of classes. There is also some reassessment happening.
- However, areas of strength here are the following:
- We had maintenance of skills in ELA for 1st grade Ms. Bahena’s class, and 5th grade Ms. Morgan’s class.
- We had maintenance of skills in math in 4th grade in Ms. Massarsky’s class.
- We had gains in reading in Ms. Lucas’s 1st-grade, Mr. Foor’s 3rd-grade class, and Ms. Massarsky’s 4th-grade class.
- We had gains in math in Ms. Dimonte’s 2nd-grade class and Ms. Morgan’s 5th-grade class.
- Overall, we have 7% more students this year who achieved their growth targets in math, and 4% more students who achieved their growth targets in reading.
- In other specific classroom strengths, we have the following classes who had the highest percentage of students meeting their growth objectives:
- In Math: Ms. Anderson’s class at 67%, and 7B at 59%
- In Reading: 7B at 73%, and Ms. Morgan’s class at 71%
- Our 7th graders have defied those odds and have continued to increase their growth substantially.
- Ms. Tannhauser’s self-contained classroom had 100% of students make their growth goals in math.
- Additionally, our student this year who made the highest amount of growth is a student who receives Special Education services. That student is a 2nd grader who made 52 RIT points of growth this year in math!
IV. Curriculum Updates
Curriculum Updates
Eureka2 was purchased for the next school year. The implementation of the updated version comes with professional development as well. There are specific intervention lessons in the Eureka2 curriculum.
J. Willer discussed concerns with Skill Blocks for the K-2 level. The data shows the following skill deficits at each grade level:
- Kindergarten - letter sounds/recognition
- 1st Grade - Initial sounds, letter sounds, and blend
- 2nd Grade - decoding/word attack and spelling
To address these concerns, the following will be done:
- Implementing 10 minutes of Hagerty every day as a part of whole group instruction K-2 (perhaps K-5 pending further discussion)
- Everyone utilizing LexiaCore5 as 2 rotations in skills block (independent work on the computer and meeting with the teacher to deliver the Lexia lessons/skill builders)
- Providing all teachers who teach reading with a science of reading-intensive professional development.
Currently, we are looking into LETRs which is a Lexiacore5 professional development series that lasts two years. We will all participate in the same professional development in the science of reading.
J. Willer provided the following information:
- Budgetarily we have increased staff in MLL, SPED, and Intervention to continue to provide certified staff who are able to provide additional services to students and decrease caseload sizes.
- All students will be receiving logins to Lexiacore5 and Symphony Math over the summer to utilize for additional practice. 50 students are attending our academic summer school program called SOAR.
V. Other Business
2023-2024 School Year
There will be a meeting scheduled during the summer to start planning all items for 8th grade, so that there is a smooth transition into high school. These items would be a high school fair, academics, and graduation.
Additional Questions/Concerns:
- B. Lane asked if we had received our 5 essential data and what we use them for. J. Willer responded that we haven't yet received the data but will meet with staff to analyze it when we do. Last year was the first year we did this.
- K. Kelly asked about winter programming for students with regards to supporting students with skills regression/recoupment. J. Willer talked about how Friday is a renaissance day and that we'll see how this format goes with regards to the next steps on how we can replicate this in the winter.
- K. Kelly asked about expeditions. L. Beavers and J. Willer shared the expectation about expeditions through EL Education, this is something we'll continue to discuss.
- K. Kelly asked about staffing models changing and whether teachers were aware of this. J. Willer reported that teachers were aware, that there was no pushback at this time, especially because it means that we are able to hire more certified staff. J. Willer will have a staff/student ratio chart in addition to more information about TAs at the next board meeting.
- K. Kelly asked about teacher recruitment, specifically around math and science teachers. J. Willer shared updates about this.
- B. Lane asked about preparation for an 8th-grade parent night. J. Willer shared that she is planning this and that G. Marshall has been reviewing the website to see when the applications are released for academies for 8th graders going into high school next year.
VI. Meeting Time
Next Meeting
The next meeting is TBD (summer time).
J. Willer discussed the following items: