Elgin Math & Science Academy
Board of Directors
Date and Time
Tuesday April 25, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Virtual Meeting
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Meeting ID: 630 883 5013
Directors Present
B. Lane (remote), D. Haight (remote), G. Swick (remote), K. Kelly (remote), K. Shaw (remote), M. Gibb (remote), M. Rodriguez (remote), S. Bennett (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Gray
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Willer (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Willer (remote)
Guests Present
D. Alexander (remote), G. Marshall (remote), K. Coventry (remote), K. Taylor (remote), Karen Conzelman (remote), L. Beavers (remote), M. Martinez (remote), R. Manderschied (remote), S. Egger (remote), S. Ismond (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Remote Meeting due to ongoing pandemic and health concerns
Board Community Crew
II. Board Meeting
Public Comment
Approve Minutes from March 28, 2023 Board Meeting
Roll Call | |
B. Lane |
D. Haight |
M. Gibb |
S. Bennett |
K. Shaw |
M. Rodriguez |
G. Swick |
K. Kelly |
A. Gray |
FOIA Report
III. Financial Report
Finance & Operations Committee Report
The Committee Descriptions document was discussed for the Finance Committee. Any changes and edits can be made to the document by May 3rd. This document will be voted on at the next Board Meeting.
Financial Statements - March 31, 2023
S. Egger reviewed the Financial Statements as of March 31, 2023.
EMSA is in the green as meeting the standard for ISBE Performance Standards.
IV. Construction & General Operations Report
Update on Construction Progress
D. Alexander provided the following updates:
- Construction continues at a strong pace inside the Administration Building. Regular updates are being sent to staff and parents, approximately bi-monthly.
- Exterior construction will become noticeable in May, with interior construction continuing and picking up pace once the structural shoring elements have been fully removed (late April).
Update on General Operations
D. Alexander provided the following updates:
- ISBE approved EMSA's Food Program RFP for SY 2023-24. The bid process is thus, underway with notification of potential vendors underway.
- ISBE will be doing an Audit of our CACFP in May.
- The Illinois Department of Revenue approved EMSA's application for property tax exemption for the entire 19+ acre School property. This exemption should be renewable every year provided the use of the property does not change.
- Interviews for Director of Technology candidates are in progress.
V. Principal's Report
Principal's Report
J. Willer provided the following updates:
- Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage: 54.9%
- Total Seats Filled: 413
- 3 Students shy of full enrollment
- Teacher Interview Processes
- NWEA testing upcoming
- IAR and ISA testing completed
- End of Year Celebration on May 26th
- Field Trips
- Staff Returning / Not Returning
The plan is the same as 2023 / 2024 with minimal changes to data updates and position name changes.
Roll Call | |
B. Lane |
K. Kelly |
G. Swick |
S. Bennett |
M. Rodriguez |
A. Gray |
M. Gibb |
D. Haight |
K. Shaw |
VI. EMSA Parent Teacher Crew Report
B. Lane provided the following updates:
- Divided up into committees to continue into next year. A musical committee was created to help with the musical rehearsals and was led by a parent. New parents got involved as well.
- Open Gym Night for every grade.
- Culver's Night is tomorrow - Fundraiser
- Fundraiser for Mega Gym - $10.00 per kid to play in the gym. Half of that will go to EMSA. This will occur on May 5th.
- Sue Bennett and Bethea Lane will be doing one more year. There will be a parent joining as a tri-president.
Sue Bennett provided an update about teacher appreciation week.
VII. EMSA Website, Other Social Media
Status and next steps
R. Manderschied and M. Gibb - Developing a plan to have a position focus more on social media. K. Coventry's position will be changing at the school and will be doing more social media content for the website including compliance areas.
VIII. EMSA Committee Reports
Development and Community Outreach
K. Taylor provided a few updates:
- Grant Opportunities / Funding
- Donor Meetings
- Annual Fund - Year end push / Invested in Donor Management Program
- Board Members' Giving to get to 100%
The committee descriptions for Development were discussed. Any edits or changes need to be made by May 3rd.
Master Planning Committee and Enviro Work Group Subcommittee
The committee description document was discussed, and the potential of merging the Enviro group with Master Planning due to the overlap. Any edits or changes need to be made by May 3rd. This document will be voted on at the next Board meeting.
Governance Committee
The committee description document was discussed for Governance. Any edits or changes need to be made by May 3rd. This document will be voted on at the next Board meeting.
Academic Excellence Committee
The next Academic Committee meeting will be in May. There were no recent updates.
The committee description was discussed. Any edits or changes need to be made by May 3rd. This document will be voted on at the next Board meeting.
School Leader Support and Evaluation Committee
The description of the Executive Director Support and Evaluation Committee was discussed in addition to the final job description.
There were no FOIA requests as of April 21, 2023.