Elgin Math & Science Academy
Master Planning Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday November 9, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Neil Building Commons / Hybrid
1600 Dundee Ave.; Elgin, IL 60120
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83909541907?pwd=VU04M3NxVW9FT01yRDFCY0NDTmpIUT09
Meeting ID: 839 0954 1907
Passcode: MS53jw
Committee Members Present
G. Swick (remote), K. Kelly (remote), S. Bennett (remote)
Committee Members Absent
A. Gray, D. Haight, R. Wilson
Guests Present
B. Lane (remote), D. Alexander (remote), Fabiola@wkarch.com (remote), G. Marshall (remote), J. Willer (remote), K. Coventry (remote), Larry@wkarch.com (remote), N. Para (remote), S. Ismond (remote), emily@wkarch.com (remote), kconzelman@emsacharter.org (remote), smalek@terraengineering.com (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve October 12, 2022 Minutes
Other Campus Planning
II. Master Plan & Facilities Committee
COO/Architect Report on Expansion
Alternatives and Back-up Plans--Lease Space
Discussion of Einstein Academy (Lease of Space) as a backup plan if EMSA is unable to have the Admin building down for next year.
Alternatives & Back-up Plans--Mobile Units
Mobile classrooms were discussed as an alternative option, and how (3 - 4) classrooms would be needed.
Playground & Illinois Tollway
D. Alexander advised that Illinois Tollway will do a noise study for noise pollution. A barrier wall at the swing set playground would reduce the noise, and not disrupt learning. The estimated cost would be around $135,000. It was discussed that there might be cost-sharing in regard to building this barrier wall.
A discussion was done about traffic flow in and out of the school onto 25. D. Alexander recommended sending a letter to IDOT with the traffic concerns and cars having trouble coming out of the school. S. Bennett recommended having a sign put up.
S. Malek with TERRA Engineering discussed the plans for water intrusion in the Admin Building. S. Malek shared the drawings to discuss in further detail.
The following topics were discussed: