Elgin Math & Science Academy
Academic Excellence Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 7, 2022 at 3:15 PM
Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 630 883 5013
Committee Members Present
B. Lane (remote), G. Swick (remote), J. Willer (remote), K. Coventry (remote), L. Sterba (remote)
Committee Members Absent
K. Kelly, K. Shaw
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Beginning of the Year Updates
Parent Orientations
J. Willer discussed the Parent Orientations that took place at the start of the school year in person. It was important to us that everyone is on the same page in terms of expectations. There was good feedback received from the parents. The Middle School team presented together with Mrs. Willer. The other grade levels presented in their classroom with a visual presentation going on as well.
First Days of School
J. Willer commented that we had a great start to the school year than in previous years. There was consistency, and being on the same page. There was a lot of Professional Development time spent talking about universal behavior expectations, and all our universal expectations of our students and families. There are great programs that are being implemented. RUSH University is partnering with us to do electives with 7th-grade students. They are doing career development, robotics, STEM, etc. There was good feedback received from staff and students about this program.
III. Student Achievement
Student Performance Tracking
J. Willer went over data from the Summer school interventions. This was delivered to 1st - 4th grade, and then 5th - 7th grade students. They were teacher referrals based on data they collected where students needed more academic support. The programming was for two weeks (Monday - Thursday) from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Students had a math rotation, a reading rotation, and a science rotation.
In Math, 59% of our students maintained of those that participated. Our goal was to have students maintain. 35% of the students made growth. 74% of our students that came out of our summer school program had a positive result.
In ELA, 63% of our students maintained in reading. 30% of the students made growths. This means that 93% of our students had a positive result.
Due to these great results, it is being looked at to expand the number of weeks for summer school or include more students.
NWEA Testing
J. Willer presented the Fall NWEA data. The data that is looked at is the benchmark meaning which students are above the 41st percentile. NWEA considers this the average range or benchmark.
In Math, 57% of our students are on benchmark. In ELA, 62% of our students are on benchmark. This is pretty high in terms of benchmark scores. These percentages increased from the Spring. This is a great place to start to grow to 70%.
IV. Charter Renewal
Parent Meeting
J. Willer reviewed the Parent Meeting for the Charter Renewal. The PowerPoint Presentation was attached to the agenda. During the meeting, J. Willer and D. Alexander went over what it means to be going through Charter Renewal and answered the question of what happens if we are not renewed and if it was a possibility. Looking to be renewed for (5) years, and all signs point to that happening.
J. Willer advised that we received a lot of parent letters for support in the Charter Renewal.
J. Willer advised that EMSA is fully staffed. EMSA hired their last position earlier this week and that was for an MLL teacher.