Elgin Math & Science Academy


Master Planning Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 9, 2022 at 6:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 862 5505 1354

Committee Members Present

A. Anderson (remote), D. Haight (remote), G. Swick (remote), K. Kelly (remote), R. Wilson (remote), S. Bennett (remote), S. Said (remote), T. Haralambopoulos (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

D. Alexander (remote), K. Coventry (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Kelly called a meeting of the Master Plan & Facilities Committee Committee of Elgin Math & Science Academy to order on Wednesday Mar 9, 2022 at 6:03 PM.


Approve February 9, 2022 Meeting Minutes

D. Haight made a motion to approve the minutes from Master Planning Meeting on 02-09-22.
G. Swick seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Meeting Time/Location/Check-in


Check-in on committee mtg logistics and expansion

It was discussed whether or not to keep doing meetings via Zoom or to go back to in-person meetings. 


It was determined that Zoom meetings are best for now, and the Committee will continue to do Zoom meetings. 

III. Construction Update


Annual Budget for Facilities and Related Expenses

D. Alexander discussed the annual budget and related expenses. 



  • Under budget amount in waste removal (received some help from R. Wilson on trash). 
  • Landscape / Snow Removal has a variance of $3,600.00.
    • Looking at the detail, more than $10,000.00 of the $39,000.00 we have spent so far is tree care by Davey Tree and R&J Tree Service. This was due to a lot of safety work that was needed. This was not anticipated.
    •  This might change as we have underspent with Green Guerilla.  
  • Janitorial Service (includes supplies for cleaning and contracted cleaning service).
    • Almost $42,000.00 under where we expected to be at. Expected to be at $109,000.00, but actually at $67,000.00. 
      • It was thought that we would have all the daytime custodians as employees during original budgeting. We have one under the vendor.
  • Pest Control was not budgeted for at all, and there has been $1,100.00 spent on this already. There are insects, and mice coming into the buildings. Service was started to help control this. 
  • Utilities / Fire Safety
    • $6,000.00 Budget and $12,000.00 was spent. 
      • Art Barn was not connected to the city alarm, and it needed to be. 
      • Some of the sprinkler equipment in the Elementary building needed to be fixed. 
      • Drinking fountains tested

Learning year in terms of budgeting. 

D. Alexander advised that the gym lights are going to be replaced.


Future Building/Grounds Improvement Ideas

D. Alexander discussed items under consideration for building/grounds improvements. 



  • Kindergarten Research Science Area discussed: The area is specifically for learning science and math. There is a survey being done by a fifth-grader for Kindergarten in this area.
  • There are exciting things coming from the Passion Projects. There are a group of kids collecting data in preparation for May 4th. 
  • There were other items brought up that should be looked into as well: Soundproofing in the gym building, sound deadening in the multipurpose room. 


IV. Campus Strategic Planning


What do we (Board/Admin/Community) envision for optimal facility/building use for K-8?

K. Kelly turned this discussion over to D. Alexander to explain the cost of four different options for building renovations and lead the conversation on the next major decision that will be happening in the future. The following options are listed below:

  • Full Admin Building
    • Total Capital Cost: $13,390,000
    • Total Annual Debt Serviced (All-Inclusive: Figures in paratheses if 4.50% interest rate is achieved): $908,160 ($811,100)
  • Main and Top Floor of Admin Building
    • Total Capital Cost: $12,666,000
    • Total Annual Debt Serviced (All-Inclusive: Figures in paratheses if 4.50% interest rate is achieved): $859,056 ($767,244)
  • Full First Floor of Dining Hall Building
    • Total Capital Cost: $11,065,000
    • Total Annual Debt Serviced (All-Inclusive: Figures in paratheses if 4.50% interest rate is achieved): $750,470 ($670,263)
  • Partial First Floor Dining Hall Building
    • Total Capital Cost: $10,618,000
    • Total Annual Debt Serviced (All-Inclusive: Figures in paratheses if 4.50% interest rate is achieved): $720,153 ($643,186)

D. Alexander discussed inflation and the cost of construction materials (gasoline and transportation). This means that borrowing and construction are both more expensive activities. It was discussed to have the Admin Building completely done so that is space for 7th / 8th grade. 


Parking options were discussed and adding 6 or more parking spaces especially since there will be additional grade levels. There is a little bit of money for small amounts of additional parking. 

V. Environmental Subcommittee Report



VI. Committee Goals & Vision


EMSA Mission, Vision & Goals

The campus map is being worked on, and it will be coming out soon. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:21 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Coventry