Elgin Math & Science Academy


SPECIAL Master Planning Meeting

EMSA Board Invited

Date and Time

Friday January 21, 2022 at 2:00 PM


Primary/Neil Building - 1600 Dundee Ave, Elgin, IL 

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Committee Members Present

D. Haight, G. Swick, K. Kelly, R. Wilson, S. Bennett, S. Said, T. Haralambopoulos

Committee Members Absent

A. Gray

Guests Present

A. Anderson, B. Lane (remote), D. Alexander, J. Willer, K. Coventry, M. Gibb (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Swick called a meeting of the Master Plan & Facilities Committee Committee of Elgin Math & Science Academy to order on Friday Jan 21, 2022 at 2:06 PM.


Approve Minutes

January 12, 2021, Meeting Minutes were not discussed or approved at this meeting. 

II. Campus Strategic Planning


What do we (EMSA Board/Admin/Community/Staff) envision for school space for K-5 next year and beyond?

G. Swick opened the floor for discussion to those in attendance regarding the primary building renovations, and school spaces. 


Many staff members commented on the space that is needed for the primary building. The consensus is that space is needed in the primary building for services. Moving fifth grade to the primary building will cut down on that space. Service providers (MLL, Intervention, SPED, Social Worker) need to have a conducive space for them and the students, including any needed materials.


A. Anderson provided the idea of adding two classes to where the playground is located. This would increase space for other services. The playground could always be moved to a different location.


D. Haight suggested we revisit the possibility of using the Dining Hall--perhaps as a kindergarten center?  Or another grade-level center?  Cost and logistic concerns were discussed.


G. Swick discussed the options that have been presented to the Master Planning Committee, including both permanent and temporary structures. The purpose of this meeting is to get opinions from staff members.


Some staff members voiced the idea of not adding another grade for next year. Some expressed the concern with 5th graders being physically too big to fit adequately in the Neil Building classrooms.  Also, displacement of existing special services spaces was a concern. Staff expressed the need for conducive spaces and that taking away spaces in a building will not help, and it will take away from these students' needs. K. Kelly noted that not continuing with 7th grade next year would constitute a substantial change in circumstances and require parental input as well as ISBE approval.   


M. Gibb added that 5th grade placement in the Gym could work if the 6th and 7th graders rotated classrooms for different subjects.  Staff expressed concern--could that mean no homerooms for those students and/or require a different teaching style?


The Master Planning Committee will continue to solicit input on the placement of 5th grade and modifications to the Neil Building. The Committee agreed to host additional meetings as needed in order for the Master Planning Committee to make a recommendation to the Board.


What do we (Board/Admin/Community) envision for optimal facility/building use for K-8?

As of right now, the primary focus is where 5th grade will be located, and the needed spaces for service providers. The plan was to have 5th grade in the primary building, and 7th grade would be located in the gym building. Many staff members commented that there is a major need for space, especially for service providers. Moving 5th grade to the primary building would cut down on space, and the 5th-grade classes might not fit in those rooms. 


III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

G. Swick shared that this meeting was to try to figure out what is needed, and to look at different options. There are obviously more issues that we need to solve. He thanked the staff for sharing. 


The committee determined that more time is needed to come back and propose an option. A new meeting date is to be determined.

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:34 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Swick