Elgin Math & Science Academy


EMSA Enviro Work Group

Date and Time

Thursday February 11, 2021 at 9:30 AM


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 630 883 5013
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Meeting ID: 630 883 5013
Passcode: 868434

Committee Members Present

C. Flaherty (remote), D. Alexander (remote), G. Swick (remote), K. Kelly, R. Wilson (remote)

Committee Members Absent

J. Schiavone, S. Bennett

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Swick called a meeting of the Environmental Work Group--Subcommittee to Master Plan and Facilities Committee of Elgin Math & Science Academy to order on Thursday Feb 11, 2021 at 9:35 AM.


Approve Minutes

II. Environmental Work Group--Subcommittee to Master Plan and Facilities


Swing set

Group walked the property today (5 degrees outside!).  Agree to place the swings parallel to fence and tucked into the trees as close to the fence as feasible.  Break into two sections if necessary.  Dan will generate a map of the location to properly site it.


Need to create plan to protect trees from heavy foot traffic.  Who will be in charge of this?  




Oak Understory Plantings

Chris & Gary will spread the 4 lbs of donated native seed around the designated oaks.  
Plan a ceremony for students to plant some seeds--1 lb will be set aside for this.  
Gary to reach out to Lezlie to set up seed spreading by students during gym class.


Mission Grant awarded from FCC in Elgin.  $4k to help with plantings and signage.


Work-to-date costs being tracked by Chris. Chris has wholesaler she can work with for plugs.


Natural Play Areas

What are our property boundaries--Dan to determine.
Gary will check in with Dundee which built a natural play area.



ChangeX & Monarch Watch Grant Availability

ChangeX Grant for $1800 available through Pollinator Partnership.  
Kerry to checkin in with Mr Harris
Mrs Said has volunteered to be liaison with staff.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:02 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Kelly