Elgin Math & Science Academy


Board Meeting--Virtual

Date and Time

Thursday January 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM


Phone Numbers
(‪US‬) ‪+1 646-653-3548‬
PIN: ‪599 458 779#‬

Directors Present

B. Lane (remote), D. Haight (remote), G. Swick (remote), K. Kelly (remote), K. Shaw (remote), M. Gibb (remote), S. Bennett (remote)

Directors Absent

A. Gray

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

B. Lane, D. Haight, K. Shaw

Ex Officio Members Present

L. Fuhr (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

L. Fuhr (remote)

Guests Present

D. Alexander (remote), F. Bisconti (remote), M. Martinez, S. Egger (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order


Public Comment


Approve Minutes


Approve Minutes from Other Board Meetings


FOIA Report

No FOIA reports requested
No FOIA request.
B. Lane arrived.
D. Haight arrived.


Community Crew

What your hope/goal for this school this year?
Goals for the upcoming EMSA year:
Kids in person
New classrooms
Facility space
Raises for staff
Project on schedule and under budget
New space and some normal
Usable outdoor space
Get caught up as best students and staff can
Growing extracurricular
Technology platform to enhance accounting

II. Master Plan Committee


Campus Ownership Update:

K. Kelly reported FYI planned closing of the property in the upcoming weeks.
K.Kelly led the discussion.
  • Closing this month
K. Shaw arrived.


Financing Update and Approval of IFF financing

D. Alexander led the discussion.
  • IFF has approved the loan!
  • 7.10.21 is the construction completion date
IFF has given preliminary approval and commitment and plan to close in early February. Project Development Budget is detailed in the attached document. We plan to have remaining contingency funds. Construction is going well and on schedule to finish on July 10. General demolition is underway.


Approval of Construction Development Budget

D. Alexander gave an overview of Development Budget.


Approval of Contract with Bulley & Andrews for Construction

M.Gibb & D. Alexander led the discussion.
B & A construction portal is ready to go on our site
Waiting on B & A's response on A201
K. Shaw arrived.
D. Alexander gave us a brief overview of the contract.


Approval of Contract with Wheeler Kearns Architects for Architecture & Engineering

D. Alexander gave us a brief overview of the contract.

III. Governance


Mandatory Board Training Complete

All board members completed required training for 2020. INCS will send certificates to L. Fuhr who will report to ISBE.
100% participation and completion on training Board On Track has sent its info to INCS who will generate the Certificates for ISBE.

Need to amend its Articles of Incorporation


Amendment of Articles of Incorporation: Resolution

IV. Principal's Report


Principal's Report

1. Open House on the 30th
2. Parent teacher conferences on Feb. 10
3. Changemaker week
4. March 4th virtual lottery
5. 45%FR/ 98 students in MLL/ 41 students in SPED
6. EMSA will be discussing how to hybrid with Prairie Crossing
7. GoGuardian grant J.Willer
8. MLL additional part time assistance
9. Intent to return and sibling application communication
10. School wide free breakfast and lunch. Gorilla Gourmet is delivering food to homes
L. Fuhr led the discussion
Change Makers this week
3/4 Virtual lottery
Current enrollment at 325 students
227 on the waitlist


V. PTC Report


Report of Parent Teacher Crew

S. Bennet & B. Lane led the discussion
K.Kelly joined this week
Virtual spirit week
Elections for EPTC- vote in April
Starting a fund for specific programming in classrooms
Yard Signs
Parent/Teacher conferences in Feb.
No-Cook nights continuing
S.Bennett reported on PTC meeting
1. Virtual spirit week
2. Elections for PTC in April
3. Fund for teachers from PTC fundraising

1. Yard Signs
2. Teacher appreciation during parent teacher conferences
3. No cook nights fundraising

VI. Finance


December Financial Reports

F. Bisconti led the discussion
December finances look good
F. Bisconti gave an overview of attached finance reports and highlighted transportation reimbursement. Sinking fund is continuing to grow and will return to operations on IFF loan closes. National Nutrition food program is now delivering food to homes.

VII. Introducing EAB Solutions


Shanan Egger

S. Egger led the discussion
Founder of EAB Solutions will be assisting us with finances moving forward.
K. Kelly introduced Shanan Egger from EAB. S. Egger gave an overview of EAB's role and focus for 60-90 days.
1. Working to expedite understanding EMSA and processes.
2. Utilizing technology and improving functionality/efficiency with software and tech.
3. Revamp Finance Report and accrual projections and providing analytics/financial modelling.
4. HR further develop handbooks.


Chief Operating Officer

D. Alexander gave an overview of his role as C.O.O.
1. Collaborate and Partner with Principal and Board.
2. Focus on growth and development to be the best teaching and learning environment for students and staff.
3. Capital planning, finance and construction.
D. Alexander led the discussion
He has come on board as the new EMSA COO

VIII. Board Work Session


Board Promises per Charter Agreement

K.Kelly led the discussion
Boardwork session- Identify, discuss, prioritize promises/goals set in EMSA's Charter Agreement with ISBE (formerly Charter Commission)
K. Kelly reported on goals for board work sessions vs. reporting.
1. Review charter agreements and proposal
2. Develop a plan to identify and monitor goals at committee level
3. Highlight Governance
4. Proposal goals

IX. Development


Grants, Donations, Development & Capital Campaign Planning

D. Haight gave a review on donor book review, future consultant feedback on capital campaign development, shared parent extra curricular programming feedback and grant writing.

X. Academic Excellence



1. Access testing (MLL) is postponed
2. NWEA testing next week
3. IAR has not yet been announced
L. Fuhr led the discussion

XI. Outreach: Families and Community


Update on Outreach Activities

K. Shaw reported on virtual outreach, hire of consultant to deepen community connections and review of lottery application goals.
K. Shaw led the discussion
Hired David Feinberg- consultant on outreach
Meeting weekly until 3.1.21 to stay on course

XII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Haight
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Gibb