Elgin Math & Science Academy
Master Planning Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Neil Building Commons / Hybrid
1600 Dundee Ave.; Elgin, IL 60120
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83909541907?pwd=VU04M3NxVW9FT01yRDFCY0NDTmpIUT09
Meeting ID: 839 0954 1907
Passcode: MS53jw
I. | Opening Items | |
A. | Record Attendance | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve October 12, 2022 Minutes | |
D. | Other Campus Planning | |
Outdoor Kindergarten Learning Center Parking Route 25 Concerns |
II. | Master Plan & Facilities Committee | |
A. | COO/Architect Report on Expansion | |
1. Admin Building Project
A. Report on Preconstruction activity B. Report on environmental planning C. Review of Project Schedule D. RFP for general contractor
B. | Alternatives and Back-up Plans--Lease Space | |
Einstein Academy lease of space--Site visit requested. |
C. | Alternatives & Back-up Plans--Mobile Units | |
Mobile classroom alternatives
A. Fox Valley Water Reclamation District B. City of Elgin C. Lease options vs purchase options--cost estimates
D. | Playground & Illinois Tollway | |
Illinois Tollway's Environmental Policy & Program Manager Bryan Wagner has worked with EMSA to produce and pay for a noise study.
1. Memorandum summarizing the Tollway's noise study of the EMSA campus. A barrier wall at the swingset playground would truly reduce noise and be considered a cost-effective measure. 2. Discussion of the Tollway's policy on cost sharing, and educated guess on cost of a barrier wall running the length of the swingset playground barrier fence.
III. | Other Business | |
A. | Sustainability | |
How does sustainability influence our planning? How do we incorporate sustainability principles regularly? |
IV. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |