Elgin Math & Science Academy

Enviro Work Group Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 12, 2022 at 1:30 PM CST


Multipurpose Room @ EMSA Campus
1600 Dundee Ave, Elgin


Or join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 630 883 5013



I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Enviro Group December Meeting on December 3, 2021
  D. Enviro Work Group Items
1.  Including EMSA staff & parents
2.  Meeting schedule:  Wednesdays to include staff?  Family?  Community?
II. Environmental Work Group--Subcommittee to Master Plan and Facilities
  A. Ecosystem Education
We've had lots of opportunities to share EMSA's nature with students:
  • Wednesday recess hikes for grades 5 & 6
  • Exploratory Friday (gr 5 & 6)
  • Staff engagement--next steps?
  • Friday Field Studies--bring science and other subjects weekly to EMSA?
  • FOTFR river/stream education--can we bring this to EMSA?
  • Mighty Acorns--can we bring this to EMSA
  • Enviro Club--Roots & Shoots--etc Can this group take this on?
To determine:
• would students join an enviro club/crew to help advise and implement on eco improvements?
• how to communicate eco-info to staff/families/students,
• creation of campus map for display in common area,
• safety training • can teacher planning time be used for staff eco ed? next steps?
•partnership with Friends of the Fox and/or Friday Field Studies could provide eco ed
  B. Trails and walkways
Rock walk way
Ravine Trail
Passion Projects.  
To determine:
• how will rock path withstand winter, will it be more/less slippery than existing paths;
• can behavior norms be created that discourage picking up rocks?
• How do we get the nature path started?
• Will students pick this as a Passion Project?
  C. Native Plantings--Grant Available, anyone interested?
Oak understory--name tree/classroom? new K new tree?
Pollinator Garden--possible location at area along sidewalk between Gym & Admin
Entry Gardens
Rain Garden at Primary School
Future Gardens
  D. Water Runoff--Updates
  • Primary school gutter drainage
  • Gym
  • Drainage impacting the rest of the building: 
  • Gym/Admin driveway area
  • North road and parking
  • Hill to art barn
  • Other
  E. Playgrounds & Natural Play Areas
Can we find more play and contemplative space on the property?  Kinder play area near gym is underutilized, e.g.  We have challenged grades 5 & 6 to consider solutions as a part of Passion Projects.  
To determine:
• can we remove bouncy playground piece at kinder area so that 5/6 can use the space (keep the dino and dome for now),
• can we consider longer gym time (allow access to dorm field),
• will students submit a passion project for play area?,
• can sport-stations be added around the campus?,
• signage recommended to i.d. passive play areas.
  F. Chimney Swifts and Other Bird Protections
Next steps for gym windows?  Other concerns? 
  G. Ongoing Tree Care & Planned Landscaping
To determine: can some of the trunks cut down this summer be dried for furniture?


III. Other Business
  A. What else do we need to be thinking about?
Partnership with the Forest Preserve
  B. Goal setting/vision of work group
What do you think would be some goals for the committee?  
What would our vision/purpose statement look like?
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting