Elgin Math & Science Academy

Board of Directors

Date and Time

Tuesday December 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM CST


Changed to Remote Only. LINK to ZOOM
At EMSA, students and teachers will reach their highest potential through active exploratory learning and social responsibility. 


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Doree Haight 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Gary Swick 1 m
  C. Public Comment   Gary Swick 1 m
Public comment: The time for public comment will take place at the end of the meeting due to the online nature of our gathering. If anyone would like to participate, we ask that you comment with your first and last name, your comment/question and the best way for us to contact you (if you want feedback) in the comments bar provided on screen. We welcome this and consider it seriously, but we cannot respond immediately unless the President or meeting chair decides that an immediate response by the board is needed and can be made during public comment, s/he will refer it to the appropriate person for a brief response. Due to this virtual format, individual comments and questions submitted will be read into record at the end of the meeting.

In order to allow more public input, the Board welcomes written comments or inquiries submitted before the meeting to board@emsacharter.org.
  D. Approve Minutes from November 30 Board Meeting Approve Minutes Doree Haight 2 m
II. Community 6:05 PM
  A. Community Crew Discuss Gary Swick 10 m
  B. Decision-Making Practices Discuss Gary Swick 2 m
  • Review the decision-making pitfalls at the beginning of each meeting.  Consider a rotation: pick one pitfall to focus on at each meeting.
  • Decision Making Challenges and Biases:
    • Common information effect 
    • Escalation of commitment 
    • Failure to seek disconfirming information 
    • Availability bias 
    • Anchoring 
    • Decision Fatigue
  • As a board focus on asking at least 1 disconfirming question at each meeting
III. Financial Report 6:17 PM
  A. Financial Statements - November 30. 2021. Five Year Financial Projections Discuss Shanan Egger 15 m
  B. Audit Committee Report Discuss Adam Gray 5 m
Status:  with whom has the audit report been shared?  Are there other stakeholders with whom we should share?
  C. Salary Task Force Report Discuss Jacquelyn Willer 10 m
IV. Principal's Report 6:47 PM
  A. Principal's Report FYI Jacquelyn Willer 5 m
  B. ISBE Site Visit Recap Jacquelyn Willer 2 m
  C. Community Relations Policy Vote Jacquelyn Willer 2 m
V. Operations and Construction Report 6:56 PM
  A. Construction Update Discuss Dan Alexander 2 m
The last construction activity will take place the week of December 20, 2021 (had been scheduled for days when students are not present).  Payment #8 has funded.  Payment #9 will close out the Project.


The City of Elgin issued its Certificate of Occupancy on December 1, 2021. 
  B. Operations Report FYI Dan Alexander 5 m
Highlights of COO activity since our November Board meeting are described in the attached Report.
VI. Principal & COO Support & Evaluation Committee 7:03 PM
  A. Report Discuss Bethea Lane & Adam Gray 5 m
  B. Approval of Updated Principal Contract Vote Gary Swick 5 m
  C. Approval of COO Contract Vote Gary Swick 10 m
VII. Academic Excellence 7:23 PM
  A. Report FYI Bethea Lane 5 m
  B. Acceptance of New Staffing Recommendations Vote Jacquelyn Willer 15 m
Academic Excellence Committee recommends that the board adopt '22-23 and '23-'24 staffing model, including as it relates to TA and instructional coach staffing.


Summary of '22-23 positions requested by J Willer (in order of preference):
  1. Interventionist
  2. Multilingual teacher (3d full-time)
  3. Add'l K teacher
  4. Second Asst princ/instructional coach
  5. Nurse as FT
  6. Gifted/enrichment teacher
  7. FT Sub
Summary of '23-'24 positions requested by J Willer (in order of preference):
  1. Special Education Teacher
  2. School Psychologist
  3. .2-.5 Speech/Language Pathologist
  4. Foreign Language Teacher
  5. Expeditions Coordinator (Could be stipend)
VIII. Governance 7:43 PM
  A. Illinois Association of School Boards Update, if any Discuss Kerry Kelly 2 m
  B. Board Code of Conduct Vote Gary Swick & Kerry Kelly 5 m
  C. Board and Committee Member Recruitment Discuss Gary Swick & Kerry Kelly 2 m
  D. Charter Renewal Process Check-In FYI Jacquelyn Willer & Dan Alexander 2 m
IX. EMSA Parent Teacher Crew Report 7:54 PM
  A. EMSA PTC Update FYI Sue Bennett & Bethea Lane 5 m
X. Master Planning Report 7:59 PM
  A. Master Planning Update Vote Kerry Kelly 2 m
For Vote:  Committee recommendation to spend up to $20,000 for repair of two Residence Chimneys, and replacement of furnace, hot water heater, and air conditioning systems.
  B. Environmental Work Group FYI Gary Swick 5 m
Next meeting:  
A few questions to consider (feedback/ideas would be appreciated):
  • How will rock path withstand winter, will it be more/less slippery than existing paths?
  • Can behavior norms be created that discourage picking up rocks? 
  • We'd like to get a nature path through the ravine started.  Would students join an enviro club/crew to help advise/build?
  • How do we to communicate eco-info to staff/families/students?
  • Would the creation of campus map for display in common area be beneficial
  • Can we assist in the implement of safety training and norms?



  C. Future Space Improvements to Primary/Neil Building Discuss Kerry Kelly 5 m
The Committee tasked D Alexander with help from the committee to research less permanent options to meet the need for special service spaces. It was suggested that a special work session to study and discuss the primary/Neil building space needs, and ways to address them, be set in January. A final recommendation/decision would be optimal in January.  T. Haralambopoulos will survey teachers and staff for input & feedback.
XI. Outreach: Families and Community 8:11 PM
Outreach: Families and Community
  A. Update on Outreach Activities FYI Kimberly Shaw 5 m
XII. Development Committee 8:16 PM
  A. Report of Development Committee FYI Doree Haight 5 m
XIII. Other Business 8:21 PM
  A. Audience Comments and Questions FYI Doree Haight 2 m
Audience Comments and Questions will be read into record at this time.
  B. Motion to Enter Executive Closed Session Vote Gary Swick 1 m
  C. Executive Session Discuss Gary Swick 2 m
The EMSA Board proposes a closed session to discuss specifically items enumerated below and in accordance with the Open Meetings Act which provides:
(c) Exceptions. A public body may hold closed meetings to consider the following subjects:
        (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting,***



  D. Motion to Exit Executive Closed Session Vote Gary Swick 1 m
XIV. Closing Items 8:27 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Gary Swick