Elgin Math & Science Academy

Enviro Group December Meeting

Date and Time

Friday December 3, 2021 at 8:30 AM CST


Meet at the Dining Hall
EMSA Campus
1600 Dundee Ave


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for In-person Enviro Work Group on September 3, 2021
  D. Enviro Work Group Items
1.  Including EMSA staff & parents
2.  Meeting schedule:  First Fridays at 8:30, how does this work for the group?  How can teachers participate then?
II. Environmental Work Group--Subcommittee to Master Plan and Facilities
  A. Water Runoff--Updates
  • Primary school gutter drainage
  • Gym drainage & crushed limestone perimeter--for the NORTH SIDE of the gym:  Green Guerrilla devised landscaping with native plants and compost/soil, along with some log/horizontal stabilizers on the steep hill; also will move some of the extra crushed limestone to complete a path between 2 sidewalks;  PARTIALLY COMPLETED with soil and plantings 
  • Drainage impacting the rest of the building:  R Wilson & Green Guerrilla will improve downspout exits by redirecting and/or extending reach at several of the downspouts around the gym
  • Gym/Admin driveway area--improvements to grade and drainage added to eliminate puddling COMPLETED last week
  • North road and parking
  • Hill to art barn
  • Other
  B. Native Plantings--Grant Available, anyone interested?
Oak understory--name tree/classroom? new K new tree?
Pollinator Garden--possible location at area along sidewalk between Gym & Admin
Entry Gardens
Rain Garden at Primary School
Future Gardens
  C. Swing set update
Swingset installed and in use!
  D. Playgrounds & Natural Play Areas
Can we find more play and contemplative space on the property?  Kinder play area near gym is underutilized, e.g.  We have challenged grades 5 & 6 to consider solutions as a part of Passion Projects.  
  E. Chimney Swifts and Other Bird Protections
Update on improvements:  chimneys will get special removable caps that allow swifts access during their time here.
Windows at Dining Hall and Dorm painted by families to prevent strikes. 
Next steps for gym windows?  Other concerns? 
  F. Ongoing Tree Care & Planned Landscaping
Can we send some of the oaks cut this summer to the kiln/drying/seasoning place?
  G. Trails and walkways
Teachers have expressed concern with the loose rocks that make up one part of the walk way.  How do we want to address this?
Now is the time to start mapping and cutting invasives to create a trail in the ravine.  Anyone interested?
We have challenged 5 & 6th grade students to create a school wide trail as a part of their Passion Projects.  
  H. Ecosystem Education
We've had lots of opportunities to share EMSA's nature with students:
  • Wednesday recess hikes for grades 5 & 6
  • Exploratory Friday (gr 5 & 6) in November toured outdoor campus and where students considered needed improvements (e.g., erosion, native plantings, animal habitat, solar, noise pollution, food waste, nature/play space, trail creation/improvement, bird strikes, etc)
  • We brainstormed ideas (see minutes) for more staff engagement--next steps?
  • Future Exploratory Fridays opportunities for eco ed
  • Friday Field Studies do we want to consider this for the future?
  • FOTFR river/stream education--can we bring this to EMSA?
III. Other Business
  A. What else do we need to be thinking about?
Partnership with the Forest Preserve
  B. Goal setting/vision of work group
What do you think would be some goals for the committee?  
What would our vision/purpose statement look like?
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting