Elgin Math & Science Academy

Board Meeting--Virtual

Date and Time

Thursday December 17, 2020 at 6:00 PM CST


Phone Numbers
PIN: ‪599 458 779#‬


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Melanie Gibb 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Kerin Kelly 1 m
  C. Public Comment   Melanie Gibb 1 m
Public comment: The time for public comment will take place at the end of the meeting due to the online nature of our gathering. If anyone would like to participate, we ask that you sign-in with your first and last name, subject of your comment/question and the best way for us to contact you (if you want feedback) in the comments bar provided on screen. We welcome this and consider it seriously, but we cannot respond immediately unless the President or meeting chair decides that an immediate response is needed and can be made during public comment, s/he will refer it to the appropriate person for a brief response. Due to this virtual format, individual comments and questions submitted will be read into record at the end of the meeting.

In order to allow more public input, the Board welcomes written comments or inquiries submitted before the meeting to board@emsacharter.org.
  D. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Kerin Kelly 4 m
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting--Virtual on November 19, 2020  
  E. FOIA Report   Frank Bisconti 1 m
  F. Community Crew Discuss Gary Swick 10 m
Expeditionary Learning’s Make a Better World Day, focused upon offering gratitude to other's service relative to the COVID conditions.  Please be aware that this portion of the meeting will be recorded and shared with EMSA staff.


For today’s Community Crew, we will each offer a word, followed by a brief explanation of your gratitude to EMSA staff for their courageous efforts during this past semester.


  G. Thank you and Happy Holidays to EMSA Staff Discuss Melanie Gibb 2 m
II. Master Plan Committee 6:20 PM
Master Plan Committee
  A. Campus Ownership Update: FYI Kerin Kelly 5 m
  B. Capital Project Progress and Financing Update FYI Mel Gibb and Dan Alexander 10 m
  C. Approval of "Early Release Items" Expense Related to Construction Vote Dan Alexander 7 m
III. Governance 6:42 PM
  A. Mandatory Board Training FYI Kerry Kelly 2 m
The four hours of required Board training are NOW AVAILABLE for free at Board On Track.  You can find the videos under "Documents" and then "Board Favorites."  Let us know how it goes.  The trainings need to be completed by 12/31.  You will indicated your completion on Board on Track and they will report to INCS which will generate a certificate of completion.
  B. Acceptance of Resignation of Board Member Brian Pinon Vote Kerry Kelly 2 m
  C. Proposal of Bethea Lane as Full Board Member FYI Kerry Kelly 2 m
  D. EMSA Bylaw Amendment to Article III(b) Vote Kerry Kelly 5 m
Proposed By Law Addition: 
For purposes of the provisions of 105 ILCS 5/27A-10.10(b), upon the closing of EMSA, if the application and contract of a charter school are silent or ambiguous as to the disposition of any of the EMSA’s property or assets, any property or assets of EMSA purchased with public funds will be returned to the City of Elgin, not the local school district.
Any assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


ARTICLE III(b) shall read in its entirety:
b. Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all the assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Directors shall determine. For purposes of the provisions of 105 ILCS 5/27A-10.10(b), upon the closing of EMSA, if the application and contract of a charter school are silent or ambiguous as to the disposition of any of the EMSA’s property or assets, any property or assets of EMSA purchased with public funds will be returned to the City of Elgin, not the local school district.
IV. Principal's Report 6:53 PM
  A. Principal's Report FYI Lezlie Fuhr 7 m
V. PTC Report 7:00 PM
  A. Report of Parent Teacher Crew FYI Sue Bennett 5 m
VI. Finance 7:05 PM
  A. CFO Report Discuss Frank Bisconti 5 m
  B. Finance Committee Update and/or Recommendation for Debt Capacity and Instruments Vote Frank Bisconti 2 m
If  Board Approval is required to facilitate debt instruments, then upon proper motion, the Board will vote on debt capacity and/or debt instrument.
VII. Consultant Engagement and Chief Operating Officer Addition 7:12 PM
  A. Engagement of EAB Solutions for Accounting and Other Services Vote Adam Gray & Kerry Kelly 8 m
  B. Addition of Chief Operating Officer Vote Adam Gray and Kerry Kelly 8 m
Approval of creation of new administrative position of COO to be offered to Dan Alexander.
VIII. Development 7:28 PM
  A. Grants and Donations FYI Melanie Gibb 5 m
Giving Tuesday Wrap-up
Grant applications
Capital Campaign
Upcoming opportunities


IX. Academic Excellence 7:33 PM
  A. update FYI Lezlie Fuhr 5 m
X. Outreach: Families and Community 7:38 PM
Outreach: Families and Community
  A. Update on Outreach Activities FYI Kimberly Shaw 5 m
Goals and status
How can the Board help?
XI. Principal Support and Evaluation
Principal Support and Evaluation
XII. Board Goals 7:43 PM
  A. Training and Planning Meeting in January Discuss Kerry Kelly 3 m
Anyone want to help plan this?
XIII. Other Business 7:46 PM
  A. Audience Comments and Questions FYI Melanie Gibb 5 m
Audience Comments and Questions will be read into record at this time.
XIV. Closing Items 7:51 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Kerin Kelly