Elgin Math & Science Academy

Special Meeting to Approve IFF Application

Date and Time

Thursday October 29, 2020 at 5:00 PM CDT


Remote Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(‪US‬) ‪+1 470-273-8202‬
PIN: ‪318 820 353#‬


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
II. Application to IFF for Construction Loan
  A. IFF Application to Fund the Renovation of the Gym, Stabilize Other Buildings, and Retire Existing Debt
The EMSA Master Planning Committee and the EMSA Finance Committees have both unanimously recommended that the Board approve the submission of an application for funding to IFF.  Let's include in the discussion a submission of an application to our other potential lender.
  B. Approval of submission of application to IFF and/or other potential lenders.
III. Accounting and other Financial Services
  A. Financial Consultancies and Hires
EMSA has received a proposal from EAB Solutions for providing services in the areas of accounting, human resources, and financial guidance.  In addition, EMSA is negotiating with Dan Alexander terms for securing construction financing, oversight of financing, and guidance in pre-construction and construction matters. 
  B. Approve expenditures for financial consultations and hires.
IV. EMSA Policy Re Facility Use
  A. Proposed policy for facility rental by non-EMSA entity
  B. Approve policy for facility rental and use
V. Other Business
VI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting