Elgin Math & Science Academy

EMSA Board of Directors Meeting--Remote

Date and Time

Thursday June 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM CDT


Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
PIN: ‪503 021 687#‬


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 7:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Doree Haight 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Kerin Kelly 1 m
  C. Public Comment   Melanie Gibb 1 m
Public comment: The time for public comment will take place at the end of the meeting due to the online nature of our gathering. If anyone would like to participate, we ask that you sign-in with your first and last name, subject of your comment/question and the best way for us to contact you (if you want feedback) in the comments bar provided on screen. We welcome this and consider it seriously, but we cannot respond immediately unless the President or meeting chair decides that an immediate response is needed and can be made during public comment, s/he will refer it to the appropriate person for a brief response. Each individual will be allotted up to 2 minutes for comment.

In order to allow more public input, the Board welcomes written comments or inquiries submitted before the meeting to board@emsacharter.org.
  D. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Kerin Kelly 3 m
Approve minutes from our regular May Board meeting and our June 2 special meeting.


    Approve minutes for EMSA Board of Directors Google Meet Meeting on May 21, 2020  
  E. Minutes Approval #2 Approve Minutes Kerin Kelly 1 m
  F. FOIA Report   Frank Bisconti 1 m
  G. Community Crew Discuss Gary Swick 5 m
II. Principal's Report 7:13 PM
  A. Principal's Report FYI Lezlie Fuhr 5 m
2020-2021 Calendar School begins August 12, 2020


III. PTC Report 7:18 PM
  A. Report of Parent Teacher Crew FYI Colleen Sherman 5 m
Colleen can update us on what role the EPTC is playing during this challenging time.  We can go over suggested time if we have questions for Colleen.
IV. Governance 7:23 PM
  A. Open Meetings Act Suspension Continues FYI Kerin Kelly 1 m


  B. Amendment to EMSA By-laws Vote Kerin Kelly & Lezlie Fuhr 7 m
  C. Board Operations 2020-21 Vote Kerry Kelly and Lezlie Fuhr 5 m
Board Meeting Schedule
Current Board Members and Roles
Training for Board Members
V. Finance 7:36 PM
  A. CFO Report Discuss Frank Bisconti 5 m
  B. Finance Committee Update and/or Recommendation for Debt Capacity and Instruments Vote Frank Bisconti 2 m
If EMSA's CFO requires Board Approval to facilitate his pursuit of debt instruments, then upon proper motion, the Board will vote on debt capacity and/or debt instrument.
  C. Budget 2020-21, Budget FY 21, Five-Year Budget Vote Frank Bisconti 15 m
Board must vote to approve the budget for Fiscal Year 2021.
VI. Master Plan Committee 7:58 PM
Master Plan Committee
  A. A133 A201 contract with Leopardo Recommendations Vote Melanie Gibb 5 m
  B. Bid Package #1 Award Recommendations Vote Melanie Gibb 8 m
The Master Planning committee will give Award Recommendations for the Site and Utility work (Bid Package #1). Bid information will be posted end of day 6/16. Final recommendations will be attached 6/18.
VII. Development 8:11 PM
  A. Development Committee Grant Update Vote Kerry Kelly 1 m


Rebuild Illinois Fast Track Infrastructure Grant
  B. Capital Campaign Discuss Brian Pinon and Doree Haight 5 m
Doree has arranged two meetings with high level fundraisers--she will report on their recommendations.  The Board will determine the capital campaign goal with recommendations from the Master Plan and Development Committees.
VIII. Academic Excellence 8:17 PM
Academic Excellence
  A. Update on Success of Spring Term; plans for August 2020 FYI Lezlie Fuhr 5 m
IX. Outreach: Families and Community 8:22 PM
Outreach: Families and Community
  A. No report FYI Melanie Gibb
X. Principal Support and Evaluation 8:22 PM
Principal Support and Evaluation
  A. Update on Principal Support and Evaluation FYI Brian Pinon 2 m
XI. Board Goals 8:24 PM
  A. Board on Track Success Goals Discuss Kerin Kelly 5 m
Recruit New Board Members
Due on Jun 18

Begin Tracking Goals in BoardOnTrack
Due on Jun 18 
  B. Other Board Goals Discuss Lezlie Fuhr 10 m
XII. Other Business
XIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Kerin Kelly