Elgin Math & Science Academy

Special Board Meeting to Approve Architect Fees

Date and Time

Tuesday March 31, 2020 at 3:30 PM CDT


Phone Numbers
PIN: ‪961 094 053#‬


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Public Comment
Public comment: The time for public comment will take place at the end of the meeting due to the online nature of our gathering. If anyone would like to participate, we ask that you sign-in with your first and last name, subject of your comment/question and the best way for us to contact you (if you want feedback) in the comments bar provided on screen. We welcome this and consider it seriously, but we cannot respond immediately unless the President or meeting chair decides that an immediate response is needed and can be made during public comment, s/he will refer it to the appropriate person for a brief response. Each individual will be allotted up to 2 minutes for comment.

In order to allow more public input, the Board welcomes written comments or inquiries submitted before the meeting to board@emsacharter.org.
II. WKArch Fee Proposal
  A. Review of Proposal
  B. Wheeler Kearns Architects Fee Proposal
EMSA's Owner's Rep and EMSA Master Planning committee have recommended accepting the WKArch fee proposal for the Gymnasium and the Administration buildings.  There is a significant cost savings in moving ahead with planning for both buildings at the same time.   

III. Other Business
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting