Elgin Math & Science Academy

Master Plan Meeting

Date and Time

Monday March 23, 2020 at 10:30 AM CDT


Phone Numbers
PIN: ‪487 693 800#‬


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Special Meeting of Finance and Facilities/Master Plan Committees on February 24, 2020
II. Master Plan
Master Plan Committee
  A. Master Planning Finances
• Update on loan, lending options and summary of Phase 1 costs.
  B. New Grant Award and Potential Grants/Funding
Two programs for consideration:
  1. Illinois Landmarks Award--Action Needed
  2. National Historic Landmarks Federal Program (see attached proposal)
  3. Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation Net Zero Energy Building Program (https://www.illinoiscleanenergy.org/energy-program/net-zero-energy-building-program)
  4. Steelcase Furniture: https://www.steelcase.com/discover/information/education/active-learning-center-grant/
    Need collaboration with classroom teacher. This research grant should be on our list for 2020/2021.
Both programs are intensive but have high reward potential.  Our initial review indicates that neither may be practical at this time, but awareness (for future opportunities) and discussion of our options would be beneficial.  
  C. Precontruction and Cost Control
• Preconstruction update.
• Review cost control log.
• Establish total construction cost expectations.



  D. Owners Rep Fee structure
• Full contract vs. NTE structure.


IFF is put together a contract for the full scope of the Owner’s Rep work and, if desired, we could roll directly into that scope of work with the new contract.  The other option, if we are not currently ready to move forward immediately with the full contract would be to authorize an amendment to our current contract to increase the $15,000 to a $20,000 not to exceed amount and continue to bill hourly until we have finalized the full contract.
  E. Design Build for HVAC option
• Design build would eliminate the Mechanical costs from McGuire in WKarch proposal and likely reduce cost overall.
• Leopardo would RFP out for Mechanical Design/Build. They would then work directly with Comed engineers.
  F. WKarch Phase 2
• Conclusion of Phase 1 work (see attached final invoice).
• Phase 2 engagement with WKarch under negotiations.
• Establish budget for Phase 2 and Review initial Phase 2 WKarch proposal.
III. Facilities
  A. Campus Care-Taking and Safety
• The (sub?) committee with discuss strategic planning for responsibilities, process and policies concerning general campus care-taking.
  B. Committee status of Facilities

Do we create a sub-committee or stand-alone committee for Facilities/Environment?

IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting