Elgin Math & Science Academy

Master Plan and Owner's Rep Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 16, 2019 at 2:30 PM CDT


EMSA — Meet at Reception for room location.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Master Plan Committee Meeting on October 3, 2019
II. Master Plan Committee
Master Plan Committee
  A. Master Plan: WKarch Proposal for Phase 1
WKarch, Phase 1 Proposal (SD for Cabins, Admin, Gym and Sitework. DD for Cabins only). Includes MEPs, Structure and Civil.
"Based on our previous conversations and rescoping of the project I am pleased to submit the attached proposal. The thought it that this proposal would supersede the previous proposal which has us working on an hourly basis (the fixed fee would replace the hours recorded to date). 

This project has been difficult for us to scope given the complexity and all the various elements but we feel this approach will best serve EMSA in terms of getting a good baseline of information for all elements on the table for pricing, and then creating the opportunity for further evaluation prior to moving forward. At the same time by being further ahead with the cabin design we will be better prepared to forge ahead with the design in time for next school year. As always we’ve broken out all the numbers for each component to give you a better sense of the effort that we are proposing for each one.

Included in this fee proposal is our recommendation for civil engineer/landscape design of ECT (formerly conservation design forum). We feel they are best equipped to handle EMSA’s campus from both a landscape and civil engineering fronts. We went out to 3 different consultants on this one and feel ECT presents the best option in terms of scope inclusion, in house landscape design, and agility in decisions/process."
  B. Master Plan: GC RFP
  C. Master Plan: Contract with WKarch
  D. Master Plan: Civil Engineer for SD

ECT is recommended by WKarch for reasons listed above.

  E. Scheme Set #6 Review
III. Financing
  A. Update

• Viatechnik invoice
• WKarch invoice

Master Plan financing update

IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting