Elgin Math & Science Academy

Master Plan and Facilities Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday September 5, 2019 at 8:00 AM CDT




I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Master Plan Meeting Focused on Art Barn on July 25, 2019
  D. Approve additional minutes
    Approve minutes for Master Plan Mtg & Interview of Architects on August 12, 2019
  E. Approve additional minutes
    Approve minutes for Interview of Second Architecture Firm on August 13, 2019
  F. Approve additional minutes
    Approve minutes for Meeting to Recommend Architect Firm on August 26, 2019
II. Master Plan Committee
Master Plan Committee
  A. Establishing Goals for Master Plan development
Our master planning goals as we enter into the next phase of development are to:
1. honor EMSA’s mission, vision and values
2. to respect the rich history of our campus
3. to be mindful of our impact on the environment and natural resources
4. to support EL Education’s innovative learning model
5. to build a financially sustainable campus.
  B. Master Plan: Phase 2 Schedule
Discuss anticipated schedules and contingency plans for fall of 2020.
  C. Master Plan: Phase 2 Expectations
  D. Master Plan: Phase 2 Next Steps
Laser scanning is the first step in the Phase 2 schedule. Originally, Laser scanning what priced at 7-12k, WKarch has sent out bids and recommends going with VIATECHNIK for both buildings at 4k. Laser scanning provides the most accurate and cost efficient way to document every dimension of the interior of the buildings. The cost is significantly lower that anticipated because WKarch will be converting the data into a revit model (at no additional cost) rather than having the scanning company provide that service.

To do this in the most cost effective and accurate manner:
1. Buildings need to be cleared out to the best of our ability. Once the vendor contract is signed, we will ask recommendation for items remaining in the buildings: i.e. should items be in the center of the space vs. against the walls.
2. WKarch recommends tearing out any accoustic or dropped ceilings for recording accuracy. (WKarch would like to come out look through the spaces to identify any issues prior to scanning.)

Discussion of Questions provided by WKarch

Letter of Agreement

Approach to Sitework
  E. MASTER PLAN: Phase 2 Budget
III. Master Plan consultants
  A. Budget for Owners Rep

Immediate needs:
AIA Contract Negotiation
GC RPF Bidding Process

IV. Other Business
  A. Community Partners

September 19th Tour with Highland Park Historic Preservation / Van Bergen group.

  B. Art Barn
  C. Neil Building Modifications
V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
VI. New section