Elgin Math & Science Academy

Master Plan Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday July 3, 2019 at 6:00 PM CDT


EMSA Conference Room, 1600 Dundee Ave, Elgin


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for EMSA Biweekly Master Plan Committee Meeting on June 19, 2019
II. Master Plan Committee
Master Plan Committee
  A. Capital Campaign Development
• "Wish for Wonder" kick off: October
        > Brainstorm Event, Guests and Goals

• Printing Capital Campaign Books: 50qty at $5.50 per. 8.5x11, soft cover 20pgs.
        > Need Hi Res student photography
        > Copy Development
        > Giving Structure
        > Donor Wall / Giving Recognition

• Campaign Video

• Campaign Website

• Campaign Account

• Campaign Director?
  B. Master Plan: Schedule
• The RFP for Gym and Admin Renovation Design and Drawings has been released: 07.03.19.
Submissions are due Wednesday, July 24. Tours will be by appointment only, to be schedule with Frank.

"Good Afternoon, 
    On behalf of the Elgin Math and Science Academy (EMSA), we are pleased to announce this Request for Proposals to initiate our first phase of EMSA’s campus Master Plan. 
    EMSA, located at 1600 Dundee Avenue in Elgin, IL 60120, is soliciting vendors with an expertise in historic building renovation and school architectural design to address EMSA’s existing gymnasium and administration building systems and structures, provide schematic design and permit drawings set on a timeline that is compatible with EMSA’s Master Plan Schedule. 
• Proposals must be submitted to EMSA’s CFO no later than 5:00 pm on Wednesday, July 24, 2019
• A preliminary tour of the campus and its historic structures is available by appointment only. Please contact EMSA’s CFO, Frank Bisconti, whose information is detailed below.
Frank Bisconti
Chief Financial Officer
1600 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120-1608
Direct: (630) 883-5313


• EMSA’s Plat of Survey, Master Plan Schedule, Buildings and Programmatic Plans Narratives, and Illinois Landmarks 2017 Condition Assessments are available for viewing on our website: https://elginmathandscience.com/bids-contractors/


Thank you, in advance, for your response to the Request for Proposals.
– The EMSA Master Plan Committee"

• The Gym and Admin buildings have been cleared out (thank you Richard for coordinating). Our next step should be to get laser measurements of all interior spaces. We have been advised that this will cost a ballpark figure of $10,000 (give or take). We can wait for direction from the architects awarded the job, or solicit bids for work immediately. 

• Development for Sitework RFP should start in July with the goal of release early August.
Anticipated costs for Master Plan work after RFP is awarded:

1. 3d laser scan of the buildings: $7,500 - $12,500 range. 
2. Schematic Design and Drawings: $51k - $77k range.
3. Consultant team (contractor, mechanical - electrical - plumbing- civil engineering fees) approximation: $175,000
III. Other Business
  A. Community Partners
  B. Art Barn
  C. Neil Building Modifications
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting