Elgin Math & Science Academy

EMSA Biweekly Master Plan Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 19, 2019 at 6:00 PM CDT


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Master Plan Committee Meeting on May 29, 2019
II. Master Plan Committee
Master Plan Committee
  A. Master Plan Booklet Review

Please review the draft .pdf of the Master Plan Booklet. A first round of changes have been sent as well as additional hi res photos of EMSA students.


  B. Master Plan: Schedule

• To stay on Schedule, an RFP for Schematic Design and Permit Drawings for Gym and Admin will need to be finalized by June 21 with deadline by July 5th, for vote on July 10.

• Discuss RFP development for roadway and parking systems/construction for 2020.


Discuss budget for schematic design and drawing phase of Gym and Admin.
CONSULTATION of expected costs:

Existing conditions: We recommend getting a 3d laser scan of the buildings, which will give us an accurate computer model to work from. Cost for scanning should be in the $7500 - $12500 range.  We are happy to solicit a proposal from a couple of third-party vendors. The scans would create a digital ‘point cloud’ which we can draw over. It is best if the furniture is removed from the spaces to the extent viable to increase the accuracy of the scan.

Architectural Fee: Our fee for a construction scope of $3M-$5M will be in the range of  7%-7.75% of the total cost of construction (initial design through construction administration, including all consultants). Our team fee percentage typically reduces as the cost of construction goes up,  due to an economy of scale. Of this total team fee, roughly 20-22% is typically allocated to Schematic Design. So the fee range for Schematic Design would be in the 51-77k range.

We think you would want the full consultant team involved at this phase to assess existing systems. The deliverable from the Schematic Design phase is a set of full plans and a narrative scope of work (describing the major systems, building modifications, and initial finish selections). At this point you would want to hire a contractor to both help with the assessment as well as take this initial set and create a budget of work. The idea is that you would align the scope of the renovation with the budget at this stage so that you minimize surprises and potential redesign down the line.

Discuss relationship between committees: Finance / Development / Master Plan.

III. Other Business
  A. Community Partners
  B. Art Barn
  C. Neil Building Modifications
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting