Elgin Math & Science Academy

EMSA Board of Directors Planning Meeting

Date and Time

Friday March 15, 2019 at 8:00 AM CDT


EMSA CAMPUS Main Building A, 1600 Dundee Ave, Elgin


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Welcome guests
Public comment: The time for public comment is immediately after the meeting is called to order.  We welcome this and consider it seriously, but we cannot respond immediately unless the President or meeting chair decides that an immediate response is needed and can be made during public comment, s/he will refer it to the appropriate person for a brief response.  If you would like to address the Board during public comment, please sign-in.  Each individual will be allotted up to 2 minutes for comment.

In order to allow more public input, the Board welcomes written comments or inquiries submitted before the meeting.

  D. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for EMSA Board of Directors Meeting on February 22, 2019
  E. Community Circle

How would you like to see the EMSA staff celebrated and thanked by the Board?

  F. Principal's Report
  G. How Can Board Support the Principal

Defining Lezlie's role as principal versus superintendent/CEO.

  H. Board on Track "OnTrack" Score
Our Board management program has a new-ish tracking and rating system called "Board Tracker."  Our Board's progress is being monitored and rated on 5 P's of leadership, each of which is measured by a star:  Priorities, People, Process, Performance, and Progress.  We don't have a full start yet and BoT wants all boards to reach the 2-star level.  
  I. Overview of Today's Board Planning Meeting
  • Review & Approve Committee Memberships
  • Review & Approve Committee Goals
  • Discuss and Set Board Strategic Planning Goals
II. Executive Session (optional)
  A. Enter Executive Session

  B. End Executive Session
III. Finance
  A. Report of Treasurer
  B. Report of EMSA CFO
  C. FOIA Report
  D. Financial Policy Review

None this month.

  E. Finance Committees Proposed Goals
EMSA Finance Committee Members
Adam Gray, Chair (Board Treasurer)
Kerry Kelly (Board Pres)
Dennis Verges (Board V. Pres)
Keith Rauschenberger
Lezlie Fuhr (Principal)
Frank Bisconti (CFO)

EMSA Finance Committee Goals
Approved at Nov. 9, 2018, Finance Committee Meeting
  1. Create quarterly Capital Expenditure budget--break out rehab, maintenance, expansion expenses (Owner:  CFO)
  2. In collaboration with CFO, develop a 3 year and 5 year financial forecast (Owner: Finance Comm and CFO)
  3. Create a checklist/calendar system for finance committee to include, inter alia: (Owner:  Finance Comm)
    1. Board training on financial responsibilities
    2. Approve budget every August
    3. Approve multi-year budget every January
    4. Review student enrollment/commitment/attrition
  4. Annually review risk management--what are our security concerns, what are our procedures and policies, do we have adequate insurance coverage (Owner:  CFO lead)
  5. Implement financial benchmarks, e.g., spending per student (Owner:  Finance Comm)
  6. Implement annual training for board regarding fiscal responsibility (Owner Finance Comm)
IV. Facilities
  A. Report from Facilities Committee
  B. Membership and Goals of the Facilities Committee
    Kerry Kelly, Co-Chair (Board Pres)
    Alan Scimeca, Co-Chair (Community)
    Adam Gray (Board, Parent)
    Dennis Verges (Board)
    Melanie Gibb (Board)
    Doree Haight (Board)
    Brian Pinon (Board)
    Gary Swick (Board)
    Lezlie Fuhr (Admin)
    Frank Bisconti (Admin)
    Richard Wilson (Staff)
    Larry Sirridge (Community)
    Eric Pepa (Community)

Goals of the Committee:
The Committee has not proposed goals for the Board's approval.
  C. Selection of Structural Engineer for Barn
V. Governance
  A. Report from Governance Committee
  B. Membership and Goals of Governance Committee
Committee Members:
Baldemar Lopez, Chair (Board)
Kerry Kelly (Board Pres)
Melanie Gibb (Board)
Dennis Verges (Board)
Doree Haight (Board)
Lezlie Fuhr (Admin)

Proposed Goals:
  1. Develop a first draft of Board policies by June 1, final draft by August 1.
  2. Build EMSA Board to eleven directors. 
  3. Develop Board recruitment policy by April.
  4. EMSA join the Illinois Association of School Boards  https://www.iasb.com/policy/index.cfm
  C. EMSA PTO Interaction with the Board

Engineering Night--Need volunteers
Communication--Publicize board meetings and minutes, more communication in general

VI. Principal Support and Evaluation
  A. Report from Committee
  B. Membership and Goals of Principal S & E Committee
Brian Pinon, Chair (Board)
Kerry Kelly (Board Pres)
Gary Swick (Board)
Adam Gray (Board, Parent)

Goals of the Committee:
  1. Create and complete 2018-19 principal evaluation
    1.   Use Board On Track Evaluation Tools.
    2.   Follow BOT timeline
  2.  Ensure Board's support of the principal.
    1. Implement monthly communications with principal.
    2. Follow-up on requests for support.
VII. Development & Outreach Committees
  A. Report from Development Committee--Chairperson needed
  B. Membership and Goals of the Development Committee
Committee Members:  Need Chair
Kerry Kelly (Board Pres)
Doree Haight (Board)
Melanie Gibb (Board)
Frank Bisconti (Admin)
Trish Ortiz (Staff)
Sandra Young (Community)
Laura Sterba (Parent)

The Development Committee has not submitted goals for approval.
  C. Report of the Outreach Committee
  D. Membership & Goals of the Outreach Committee
Melanie Gibb, Chair (Board)
Kerry Kelly (Board Pres)
Dennis Verges (Board)
Doree Haight (Board)
Lezlie Fuhr (Admin)
Jacqueline Willer (Admin)
Trisha Ortiz (Staff)
Laura Sterfba (Parent)
Sandra Young (Community)

Goals of the Outreach Committee
  1. Recruit a diverse student body that maintains our current diversity within a 5% margin.
  2. Increase our Free and Reduced Lunch rate, with a goal of 50%.
  3. Recruit at least 150% of open seats for the lottery.
  4. Participate in at least three community events for underserved populations. 
  E. Combine Development and Outreach Committees into One Committee
VIII. Academic Excellence Committee
Academic Excellence
  A. Members and Goals of Academic Excellence Committee

Members:  Need Chairperson
Kerry Kelly (Board Pres)
Gary Swick (Board)
Melanie Gibb (Board)
Brian Pinon (Board)
Lezlie Fuhr (Admin)
Susan Van Wheelan (Community)

The Academic Excellence Committee has not submitted goals for approval.

IX. Master Plan Committee
  A. Report from the Master Plan Committee
  B. Members and Goals of the Master Plan Committee
Melanie Gibb, Co-Chair (Board)
Kerry Kelly, Co-Chair (Board Pres)
Adam Gray (Board)
Doree Haight (Board)
Brian Pinon (Board)
Lezlie Fuhr (Admin)
Frank Bisconti (Admin)
Richard Wilson (Staff)

The Master Plan Committee has not submitted goals for approval.

CONSIDER:  Combining Facilities and Master Plan Committees?  Creating an Executive Master Plan Committee?  Creating an Advisory Master Plan Committee?
  C. Approve Wheeler Kearns Architects for EMSA's Strategic Plan
  A. Strategic Plan
Purpose/Mission of EMSA
Committee Goals Become Board Goals
Division of Roles between Board and Principal:  BoT Handout (attached)
Include Outcomes that can be measured:
Include Processes to arrive at outcomes:  Principal with Staff & Board Support
Possible Additional Components/Goals:
Growth Model--review annually?
Site Suitability
Facilities Expansion
(Road & Parking Expansion)
Consideration of Other Sites

Step #1:  Get Real About Your Board’s Impact
Step #2:  Agree on Key Organizational Priorities
Step #3:  Agree on Board’s Key Priorities
Step #4:  Form Committees / Assign Trustees & C-Suite Team Member
Step #5:  Committees Draft Goals
Step #6:  Board Discusses & Approves Goals
Step #7:  Approve a Set of CEO Goals Too
Step #8:  Enter Goals & Tasks Into a Dashboard
Pro Tips: Recalibrate quarterly & Annually review and recalibration

  B. Create Standing Agenda Items: Strategic Plan & Goals; 2019 Art Barn, 2021 Plan, etc?
Timing is crucial for our next two years.
Need Timeline with Deadlines:  August 5. 2019 Art Barn Completion; August 5, 2021 Gymnasium Completion...
Create a proposed calendar.
Make a final decision on growth by September
XI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
XII. Other Business
  A. Closing circle--if time allows