Elgin Math & Science Academy

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM CDT


Ignite, 15 Douglas Ave, 2d Floor Conference Room, Elgin, IL 60120


Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 7:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Doree Haight
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Kerin Kelly
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Doree Haight
  D. Approval by Illinois State Charter School Commission Discuss Kerin Kelly 10 m
What are the changes required by the Commission and what are our next steps?
  E. TO DO List for Board Members   Kerin Kelly 5 m
1.  Sign on to Board On Track--complete your profile
2.  Indicate your availability to attend EL Education National Conference 10/27-29
3.  Sign up for committees
4.  Future Board Meetings:  Time and Day of the Week
II. Finance 7:15 PM
  A. Summary of EMSA's financials and Sips for Science fundraiser FYI Adam Gray 5 m
  B. Guarantors for Line of Credit Discuss Adam Gray 5 m

Update and discussion on where EMSA is in this process.

  C. Finance Committee Regular Meetings FYI Adam Gray 2 m

The finance committee will begin to meet regularly.  If you are interested in joining this Committee, please let chairperson, Adam Gray, know.  Current committee members include:  Adam Gray (chair), Dennis Verges, Keith Rauschenberger, Kerry Kelly

III. Principal Support and Evaluation 7:27 PM
Principal Support and Evaluation
  A. Timeline and Process for Hiring Principal Discuss Melanie Gibb 10 m
EMSA will hire its principal by December 15, 2017.  This is one of the Board's major responsibilities.  We will summarize the timeline, process and who is involved so far with the recruitment efforts.  Board will discuss the process.
IV. Facility 7:37 PM
  A. Funding for repairs/improvements/stabilization to campus buildings Discuss Kerin Kelly 10 m

Since the Commission is not allowing state funds to be spent on building improvements or stabilization, what can we do moving forward to protect our interest and expand?

  B. Facilities Committee FYI Kerin Kelly 2 m

The facilities committee has been meeting often but irregularly.  Regular meetings will start this month.  If you are interested in participating or if you know someone with the necessary skills to participate, please inform chairperson, Kerry Kelly.  Currently, the Facilities Committee includes:  Kerry Kelly (chair), Adam Gray, Doree Haight, Eric Pepa (architect), Alan Scimeca (general contractor)

V. Development 7:49 PM
  A. PR Discuss Melanie Gibb 10 m

What is our PR strategy and how could it improve/change now that we've been approved?

  B. B. Outreach Discuss Melanie Gibb 5 m
Update on our Outreach Plan:  are we meeting goals/milestones in our current plan?  Does this need to be updated moving forward?  How can ALL board members be involved?
  C. Grants and Fundraising Discuss Melanie Gibb 10 m
1.  Update on Federal Charter Schools Program Grant.
2.  NEED:  intern/assistance with organizing available grants
3.  Fundraisers:  report on lessons from Sips for Science; ideas for future fundraisers
4.  Possible VOTE in moving forward with fundraiser idea
  D. Development Committee FYI Melanie Gibb 2 m

This Committee will be meeting regularly and still needs a chairperson.  Unofficially, participants include:  Mel Gibb, Doree Haight, Laura Sterba, Kerry Kelly, Sandra Young, Trisha Ortiz

VI. Governance 8:16 PM
  A. Board Development Discuss Doree Haight 5 m

EMSA can seat up to 11 members.  What is our recruitment strategy?

  B. Open Meetings Act FYI Baldemar Lopez 5 m

Summary of requirements.

VII. Academic Excellence 8:26 PM
Academic Excellence
  A. EL Education National Conference FYI Gary Swick 5 m

Why this is worthwhile.
Who can commit to attending certain time periods for 10/27-10/29?  Let Kerry know asap.
Opportunity to interview candidates for principal.

  B. Special Education and English Learners FYI Kerin Kelly 5 m
  C. Committee FYI 2 m

This Committee will be meeting regularly and still needs a chairperson.  Unofficially, participants include:  Gary Swick, Kerry Kelly, Mel Gibb, Trecia Shales, Adriana Barriga, Risé Jones 

VIII. Other Business 8:38 PM
  A. EL Education Moment FYI Gary Swick 2 m
IX. Closing Items 8:40 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote