Lighthouse Community Public Schools
March Academic Accountability Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday March 3, 2025 at 3:00 PM
In person option:
433 Hegenberger Road, Suite 206, Oakland, CA 94621
Zoom option:
Committee Member Additional Locations:
1121 12th Street Oakland, CA 94607
699 8th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Committee Members Present
J. Hinton (remote), R. Ornelas, R. Torney (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
A. Ford, E. Verma, Erin Wesseldine (remote), K. Liljeberg, Latora Baldridge (remote), R. Harrison
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Public Comment
II. Academic Accountability Committee
Focus for our Committee
Board members and Rich Harrison, CEO, gave their opinions and hopes for what the focus and goals of the committee would be and how to best utilize it. Board members also mentioned what data they would like to see in the committee in the future.
Staff also gave their considerations for the hopes they see in the committee space.
State of Academics at LCPS
Rich Harrison, CEO, gave an update on academics related to Strategic Priority #1, detailing the closure of ICA assessments, AimswebPlus, and overall trends LCPS is seeing.
LCPS staff members including Aisha Ford, Director of Elementary Academics & Literacy, Erin Verma, Director of Secondary Academics, Erin Wesseldine, Senior Director of Special Education & Specialized Programming, Dr. Latora Baldridge, Lead Principal at Lodestar 6-12, and Kathleen Liljeberg, Director of Assessment and Performance Management all provided insight on academic results, goals, and trends.
The board members inquired how LCPS staff support leaders to ensure systems remain continuous. Erin V. and Aisha responded on meeting containers and alignment of centering support documents and action plans with leaders.
Some goals staff hope to attain to continuously improve is better onboarding for assessments and instruction as well as better understanding the day to day of teachers.
The board gave final hopes for staff to better understand causes of data results and how staff are working toward and aligned action.
Seeing none and hearing none, public comment was closed.