Lighthouse Community Public Schools
Academic Committee: June Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday June 4, 2024 at 3:30 PM
You are invited to an Academic Accountability Committee meeting with Lighthouse Community Public Schools.
IN PERSON OPTION: 433 Hegenberger Road, Suite 201, Oakland, CA 94621
REMOTE: Jumoke Hinton - 1527 Chestnut Street, Oakland, CA 94607
REMOTE: Kimi Kean - 4153 Fruitvale Ave, Oakland, CA 94602
REMOTE: Robbie Torney - 699 8th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
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Meeting ID: 843 2260 5337
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Please email Academic Team Coordinator, with any questions. Thank you!
Committee Members Present
J. Hinton (remote), K. Kean (remote), R. Torney (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
K. Liljeberg, T. Hernandez (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
J. Hinton |
K. Kean |
R. Torney |
Public Comment
II. Academic Accountability Committee
Review Committee Deck
Tina Hernandez, Chief Academic Officer, presented multiple data sets including CAASPP, ELPAC, and CAST for the 2023-2024. Tina told a story of growth as the path to proficiency and discussed how the data reflects hiring trends, coaching patterns, and other factors that may have contributed to each grade band's results.
The board asked a clarifying question about reading the data and thinking about cohort matching the data. Tina responded by saying we can implement additional suggestions to the next data presentation.
Tina and members of the committee discussed distance from standard a cohort, analyzing how certain grades have moved across three years and what instructional patterns those findings may present.
The board asked how interim assessments impacted leadership knowledge around student proficiency. Tina responded that leaders now understand the assessment deeper and felt a stronger call to action to understand what mastery looks like and how to develop conceptual understanding.
The committee proposed possible data systems that could add value to student data analysis in reviewing summative data at an organizational level. The committee gave suggestions about how LCPS can also engage families with their student data in future years.
Tina committed to investigating further data systems that will allow for a deeper knowledge of program implementation and impact through data.
Seeing none and hearing none, public comment was closed.