Lighthouse Community Public Schools


LCPS Board of Directors-Board Regular Meeting (February)

Date and Time

Wednesday February 7, 2024 at 6:00 PM


444 Hegenberger Rd

Oakland, CA

In Person: Lighthouse High School Think Tank (444 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA 94621)


In Person: 4153 Fruitvale Ave, Oakland CA 94602







Directors Present

A. Drumwright, A. Moore, B. Wall (remote), K. Kean (remote), M. Milner, R. Torney

Directors Absent

A. Ocegueda, E. Figueroa, J. Hinton, M. Barnes-Dholakia

Guests Present

A. Martin, K. Liljeberg, L. Wu, M. Bacigalupi, M. Patel, R. Harrison, T. Hernandez

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Torney called a meeting of the board of directors of Lighthouse Community Public Schools to order on Wednesday Feb 7, 2024 at 6:04 PM.


Land Acknowledgement

Rich Harrison, CEO of Lighthouse Community Public Schools, led the board and staff in a land acknowledgment for the Ohlone people.


Record Attendance


Open Forum, Public Comment on Agenda or Non-Agenda Items, and Introductions

Assata Olugbala,  a member of the public, commented on comparisons of OUSD board meetings to LCPS board meetings. She commented on previous student incidents at LCPS and hopes for positive circumstances for students who currently attend. She commented on board member appointments to positions and attendance of previously enrolled LCPS families at the OUSD board meeting.


Hearing none and seeing no other members of the public, public comment was then closed.

II. Regular Consent Items


Approve Minutes: November 9, 2022

M. Milner made a motion to approve the minutes from LCPS Board of Directors-Board Regular Meeting (December) on 12-06-23.
A. Moore seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Barnes-Dholakia
A. Moore
E. Figueroa
K. Kean
J. Hinton
B. Wall
A. Ocegueda
M. Milner
A. Drumwright
R. Torney


Financial Statement: November, December, and January Check Register

Rich Harrison, CEO, previewed the board on LCPS's latest financial statements and Check Register from November, December, and January.


The board had no questions.

III. Discussion Items:


CEO Report, Reflections, and Update

Rich Harrison, CEO, gave updates on academic performance, attendance, chronic absenteeism, financial health and sustainability, and staff retention. Rich Harrison highlighted areas of growth and success. 


The board appreciated the rollup of staff survey data. The board asked Rich about his thoughts about attendance trends for the rest of the 2024-2025 school year.


Anna Martin, Chief Operating Officer, responded about attendance trends at each school site and relation to cold and flu season. Anna talked about how LCPS is working on proactive messaging to families about the importance of students attending school consistently, and how sites are creating attendance data walls. Anna also talked about possible programs in future schoolyears that would work to recover average daily attendance. 


CAO Report, Reflections and Update

Chief Academic Officer, Tina Hernandez, discussed the ongoing Interim Assessment systems completion data and compared the growth data for ELA and Math at LCPS. Tina discussed that coaching from leaders and how they are looking for evidence of student learning is how students will be the leaders of their own learning. She speaks about how the level of engagement and impact is increasing.


Tina discussed how leaders will coach to help students thrive and that site leaders remain focused on data-driven instruction, positive staff and student culture, and coaching systems. 


Tina spoke about how leaders have been working to continuously work around crises and how to transition back to positive learning and strong culture systems. Tina spoke about how Crew leaders will be utilized for positive student culture in the future.


Rich Harrison, CEO, commented on how to read the ELA and Math data proficiency rates, detailing how scale score points relate to proficiency rates. Rich spoke about subgroup data from the 2022-2023 school year andd the prediction for the 2023-2024 school year, and the hopeful gains for student proficiency. 


The board asked for clarification on whether students are being compared in cohorts or grade levels. The board also asked about when the students took the ICAs or the IABs, where Tina clarified the schedule and scoring.


The board asked about how LCPS staff are being communicated the outcomes and foci in the slide deck. Tina responded on how she relayed the information in coaching and leader meetings.


The board highlighted that the data showed promising news and gave praise to Tina. 


Approval: School Accountability Report Card (SARC) Approval for 2022-23 SY

M. Milner made a motion to approve all three of the SARC items.
A. Moore seconded the motion.

Chief of Staff, Megan recommended the approval for the School Accountability Report Card (SARC). Rich Harrison, CEO, gave background of the requirements for the SARCs and where they may be accessed by the public. 


The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Milner
A. Drumwright
A. Moore
M. Barnes-Dholakia
R. Torney
E. Figueroa
A. Ocegueda
J. Hinton
B. Wall
K. Kean


Material Revision Update

Megan Bacigalupi, Chief of Staff, discussed the proposed Material Revision and its involvement in proposing Transitional Kindergarten (TK) into LCPS campuses. She also spoke about its submission to OUSD, when it will be presented to OUSD, and when the LCPS Board will vote. Megan gave highlights about LCPS's plan for the 2025-2026 school year.


The board asked about voting impacts on the rollout for the 2025-2026 school year and the details within the current application to OUSD. 


Anna Martin, Chief Operating Officer, spoke about the current surveying of families and the number of families currently interested. Megan also commented about the interest and demand for TK from families after they were surveyed.


Rich Harrison, CEO, spoke about how LCPS has been working with community partners on the TK model and preliminary conversations with OUSD Board Members. 


Rich also spoke about the Material Revision update concerning enrollment and TK's impact and Lighthouse K-8 enrollment.


The Board asked about how the TK growth relates to financial balances and how the revenue has been calculated. Rich responded with how LCPS has calculated the TK program costs for the two years.


Anna Martin, COO, spoke to the requirements of TK instructional minutes and how LCPS would plan to model programs in the future for multiple cohorts that utilize staff in cost-effective ways. 


Mid Year LCAP Update and Budget Overview for Parents

Rich Harrison, CEO, overviewed how LCPS is doing in the Winter LCAP Update with highlights on interim assessments, staff demographics and retention, community engagement, LCPS systems that work to improve chronic absenteeism and enrollment, and college and career readiness. Rich also previewed the revenue report that will be shared with families.


The board had no questions.

IV. LCPS Finance and Budget


Finance Updates:

Rich Harrison, CEO, gave a dashboard update on enrollment and attendance and the Finance Waterfall Chart concerning grants LCPS has received previously. Rich talked about the new grants LCPS has earned their projected revenue aspects, and LCPS's Days Cash and Bond Covenants. He also briefly spoke about some of the impacts on revenues such as substitute usage and enrollment lotteries.


The board gave insight into the current financial position and anticipation of the state's funding towards education. The board also talked about the budget to date and revenue to offset any upcoming needs in the spring semester, and how LCPS can try and anticipate higher costs for trending incidents such as substitute teachers.  The board asked about application submissions in comparison to OUSD.


Rich responded to the current status of family applications for LCPS and OUSD, giving details about specific years and grade bands. Rich also commented that enrollment is an area LCPS will monitor carefully and overviewed the intent to return process with families.


The board asked if there are specific subgroups in the applications for 24-25 SY, where LCPS staff clarified that the applications do not ask questions about certain demographics. Rich commented about the work LCPS has done to support certain subgroups of students but also posed some hypotheticals on how LCPS could respond to the potential growing demands of specialized programs and supports.


The board asked about LCPS's marketing campaigns for applications, citing OUSD's advertising success. 


Rich talked about previous LCPS marketing campaigns and current projects that the development team is working on. Rich also highlighted the summary about how LCPS will work towards keeping LCPS finances sustainable. 


The board agreed to continue to conversation in an upcoming Finance Committee meeting that would monitor high, middle, and low-case scenarios in terms of funding.


Approval: LCPS Teacher Compensation Proposal for 2024-25

M. Milner made a motion to approve the Teacher Compensation proposal to include add-ons for preliminary and clear credentialed teachers.
A. Moore seconded the motion.

Anna Martin, Chief Operating Officer, provided background to the proposed Teacher Compensation and the impact of revenues and expenses on LCPS finances. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Torney
K. Kean
J. Hinton
A. Moore
M. Barnes-Dholakia
M. Milner
B. Wall
E. Figueroa
A. Ocegueda
A. Drumwright

V. Closed Session


Confidential Student Discipline Matter – Consideration of Potential Expulsion

The closed session began at 7:34 PM.

The Board approved the Administrative Panel Findings of Fact and Recommendation for Expulsion Regarding Confidential Student Discipline Matter Case No.:202301. 

The Board vote was unanimous. 


Confidential Student Discipline Matter – Consideration of Potential Expulsion

The Board approved the Administrative Panel Findings of Fact and Recommendation for Expulsion Regarding Confidential Student Discipline Matter Case No.:202302. 

The Board vote was unanimous.




CEO Evaluation

The board discussed CEO Evaluation. No action was taken.

VI. Closing Items


Report of Closed Session

The public meeting was resumed at 9:22 PM.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Torney