Lighthouse Community Public Schools


LCPS Board Retreat

Date and Time

Tuesday September 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM


444 Hegenberger Oakland, CA 94621

Directors Present

A. Drumwright, A. Moore, A. Ocegueda, B. Wall, E. Figueroa, K. Kean, K. Williams, M. Barnes-Dholakia (remote), R. Torney

Directors Absent

J. Hinton, M. Milner

Guests Present

A. Martin, Josh Weintraub, K. Fee, K. Liljeberg, M. Bacigalupi, R. Harrison, T. Hernandez

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Williams called a meeting to order on Tuesday Sep 19, 2023 at 6:17 PM.

II. Opening Items Continued


Open Forum, Public Comment on Agenda or Non-Agenda Items, and Introductions

Seeing none and hearing no members of the public, public comment was closed. 

III. Regular Consent Items


Approve Minutes: September 6, 2023

R. Torney made a motion to approve the minutes from LCPS Board of Directors-Board Regular Meeting (September) on 09-06-23.
B. Wall seconded the motion.
The team VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Wall
R. Torney
A. Drumwright
M. Barnes-Dholakia
M. Milner
K. Williams
K. Kean
A. Moore
E. Figueroa
A. Ocegueda
J. Hinton

IV. Board Retreat


Welcome by Board President

Kenya Williams, Chair of the Board, introduced the overall agenda and previewed the welcome activity of board members and staff breaking into small groups for ice breaker discussions.


In small groups, board members and staff discussed personal responses to questions. 


Board President Presentation: Board roles, agreements and commitments

Rich Harrison, CEO, previewed the board roles, agreements, and commitments with board members to create clarity around the job description of serving the Lighthouse Community Public Schools board. 


Board members shared aloud wonderings and findings from the board job description and thoughts about agendas for future board meetings. 


Academic Data Study

Robbie Torney, Board Member, provided background information on Lighthouse Community Public Schools academic data from the Core Collaborative data dashboard.


Rich Harrison, CEO, explained the details and context of the data slides. 


The board then divided into small groups to discuss the data in detail and shared out the findings and wonderings. 


Define Committee vs. Meeting

Megan Bacigalupi, Chief of Staff, previewed the activity of dividing board members into small groups to discuss committee roles, needs, and future potential structures. 


Board members discussed and then shared with the whole group their thoughts on successes, growth areas, board needs, and possible communication structures. 

V. Closing Items


Reflection and Feedback

Kenya Williams, Chair of the Board, opened the board to discussion about reflections on the session.


The board shared excitement about the level of engagement and discussion around data.


Rich Harrison, CEO, closed the discussion about how LCPS staff will work to keep systems efficient and organized. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Williams