Lighthouse Community Public Schools


LCPS Board of Directors - Rescheduled Regular Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM

In Person: Lighthouse High School Think Tank (444 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA 94621)


In Person - 444 NW Congress  Bend, OR  97703









Directors Present

A. Drumwright, A. Moore, A. Ocegueda, B. Wall, E. Figueroa, J. Hinton, K. Kean, K. Williams, M. Barnes-Dholakia, M. Milner

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

M. Barnes-Dholakia

Guests Present

A. Martin, Erin Wesseldine, Jeanine Evains Robinson, K. Liljeberg, L. Wu, M. Bacigalupi, M. Patel, Shaina Hurley, T. Hernandez

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Kean called a meeting of the board of directors of Lighthouse Community Public Schools to order on Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 6:03 PM.


Land Acknowledgement

Rich Harrison, CEO, led the board and staff on land acknowledgement.


Record Attendance


Open Forum, Public Comment on Agenda or Non-Agenda Items, and Introductions

Seeing none and hearing no members of the public, public comment was closed. 

II. Regular Consent Items


Approve Minutes: March 1, 2023

M. Milner made a motion to approve the minutes from LCPS Board of Directors - Board Regular Meeting (March) on 03-01-23.
A. Ocegueda seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Moore
K. Kean
B. Wall
A. Ocegueda
J. Hinton
K. Williams
M. Milner
E. Figueroa
M. Barnes-Dholakia
A. Drumwright


Financial Statement: February check register

M. Milner made a motion to M. Milner made a motion to approve consent items.
B. Wall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Barnes-Dholakia
E. Figueroa
K. Williams
J. Hinton
A. Moore
A. Ocegueda
B. Wall
M. Milner
K. Kean
A. Drumwright
M. Barnes-Dholakia arrived.

III. Discussion Items:


CEO Report, Reflections, and Update

Rich Harrison, CEO, reflected on Lighthouse's College and Career programming, noting the persistence of staff's hard work for students. Rich also commented on LCPS's efforts around staff retention and legislative interests. 


The board asked how many students will be graduating with college credits. Staff responded by having a clearer picture of that percentage once the school year ends. Dr. Evains-Robinson, Principal of Lighthouse 6-12 provided background information on the graduating class of 2023 and strategies LCPS implemented to ensure student success. 


The board discussed political relations with local Assembly Members.


Update: Lighthouse and Lodestar Academic Plan, LCPS Organizational Priorities, and OKRs

Tina Hernandez, Chief Academic Officer, updated the board on academic partnerships and provided background information on student assessment results with expected plans for the 23-24 school year. Tina discussed accountability around data-driven instruction in connection to our site coaching models. 


The board asked about takeaways of what assessment data means in terms of strong processes or plans in instruction. Additionally, questions about professional development, new curriculums, and assessment growth targets. 


Tina responded that investment into leadership math expertise to coach teachers will translate to our achievement data. Tina responded that professional development experiences are first trialed by leaders before specific staff experience, and that the summer school experience will be driven by data.


The board asked how the accountability tracker has impacted sites over the school year. Shaina Hurley, Principal of Lighthouse K-5 provided a response on how having focus around specific trackers helped staff growth.



Update: Presentation on LCPS Special Education and related programming

Erin Wesseldine, Senior Director of Special Education and Specialized Programming, gave background on student support systems at LCPS and the future plans for the programs of Special Education, MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support), Counseling, and Program Services team. Erin notes that families are voicing their support for LCPS programs and their positive experiences. Strengths of the program include an increase in demand and growth, while challenges include response to demand and filling staff roles, and cost of programming.


Rich Harrison, CEO, reflected upon Erin's successful leadership and her ability to build LCPS programs, as well as funding backgrounds and future revenue streams.


The board asked about possible contracting work on reimbursement possibilities. Rich responded that preliminary meetings have occurred but no decisions have been made at this time. 


The board asked about the proportionality of student referrals and how to prepare all staff and teachers to help students thrive. Also about the facilities impact on students with specific needs. Erin responded that coordination with the academic team necessary about creating stronger Tier 1 supports, and further research on grants needed that help provide funding for access around facilities. 


LCAPs: Public Hearing

Rich Harrison provided background on the 3 LEA LCAPs (Local Control and Accountability Plan) and how LCPS is entering year 3 of 3, which LCPS will need to discuss further in the fall. Rich commented upon key areas for growth and how staff members plan to improve those areas, such as MTSS support, expanded learning, and family engagement. 


The board was encouraged to email Rich about questions surrounding LCAP, as this topic will be addressed in the next meeting. 

IV. LCPS Finance and Budget


Finance Updates: Dashboard Presentation

Linda Wu, Senior Director of Finance, reflected on revenue streams and LCPS expects to end the year in a strong position, commenting on banking events and LCPS management of funds in response.


Current and Projected Enrollment - Update

Rich Harrison discussed current enrollment and enrollment projections for LCPS schools, noting growth at Lodestar in specific grades, such as high school and kindergarten. 


The board asked clarifying questions about budgeted enrollment, registration processes, and how LCPS has improved registration processes compared to previous years. 


Anna Martin, Chief Operating Officer, discussed how LCPS expedited the process and developed tighter management systems around open seats and required registration tasks for families. 


Finance Update - FY 23 Cash Flow Projections and Special Education Budget Review

Linda Wu details the aggregate Cash Flow comparing SY 22-23 to SY 23-24 on how to sustain growing costs, including what counts as specialized programming or special education. Erin Wesseldine commented on how specific student services can cost more, even if additional funding is not guaranteed, providing insight on program details and how funds are used.


The board asked if it would be possible to see more specified details about funding specialized programs. 


Approval: Audit Selection for FY 23

J. Hinton made a motion to accept the CLA firm. Amended to the amount of $40,000.
M. Milner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Moore
M. Milner
M. Barnes-Dholakia
E. Figueroa
A. Ocegueda
B. Wall
A. Drumwright
K. Kean
K. Williams
J. Hinton
J. Hinton made a motion to accept the CLA firm to the amount of $40,000.
M. Milner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Kean
M. Milner
E. Figueroa
A. Moore
J. Hinton
K. Williams
A. Ocegueda
A. Drumwright
M. Barnes-Dholakia
B. Wall


OUSD Notice of Concern - Update:

Rich Harrison updated the board about the Notice of Concern for Lighthouse K-8 for exceeding the enrollment cap. Rich explained how this event occurred in registration and how LCPS plans to address and respond to correct the concern. 

V. Recess



Kimi Kean, Chair of the Board, declared a recess for the board at 7:50 PM. The board reconvened at 8:10 PM.

VI. Closed Session


Anticipated Litigation: Gov't Code 54596.9(d)(2)

The board and Rich Harrison, CEO, made a decision about the anticipated litigation. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Kean
Documents used during the meeting