Lighthouse Community Public Schools

LCPS Board of Directors-Board Regular Meeting (June)

Published on June 9, 2024 at 3:06 PM PDT
Amended on June 12, 2024 at 11:31 AM PDT

Date and Time

Wednesday June 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM PDT


444 Hegenberger Rd

Oakland, CA

In Person: Lighthouse High School Think Tank (444 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA 94621)


In Person: 4153 Fruitvale Ave Oakland, CA 94602


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Robbie Torney 2 m
  B. Land Acknowledgement   Rich Harrison 1 m
Honor Native Land - we are on Ohlone land and want to acknowledge native peoples and our ancestors this evening.
  C. Record Attendance   Kathleen Liljeberg 2 m
II. Opening Items - Continued 6:05 PM
  A. Open Forum, Public Comment on Agenda or Non-Agenda Items, and Introductions FYI Robbie Torney 10 m

No individual presentation on agendized or non-agendized items shall be for no more than three (3) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.  Speakers requesting translations will have six (6) minutes to present.  

The Board will hear public comments, and Identify next steps as needed.

III. Consent Items 6:15 PM
  A. Approve Minutes: Regular Board Meeting - June 5, 2023 Approve Minutes Kathleen Liljeberg 2 m
  B. Financial Statement: April and May Check Register Vote Linda Wu 2 m

Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval of the check register as part of the Consent Agenda



  C. Approval Lighthouse Community Pub School 2022 Project Fund, Stifel Monthly Evaluation and Reconciliation Vote Rich Harrison 2 m
IV. Discussion and Approval Items 6:21 PM
  A. Board Term Renewals Vote Robbie Torney 5 m


  • Mark Milner (One year)
  • Jumoke Hinton-Hodge (three-year term)
  B. New Board Members Vote Robbie Torney 5 m
  • The Nominations working group has recommended the following directors to elections to the LCPS Board of Directors:
  • Rodolfo Ornelas, Principal, Oakland Schools for the Arts
  • Billy Manning, First Vice President, Wealth Management,Financial Advisor,Lending Specialist, Morgan Stanley
  C. Board Committees FYI Robbie Torney 5 m

Here are proposed committee structures:


Academic: Chair Robbie Torney (Chair), Jumoke Hinton-Hodge, and Rodolfo Ornelas. Alternates Mark Milner, Eduardo Figueroa, and Billy Manning.  

Governance Committee: Robbie Torney and Mark Milner. Alternates Jumoke Hinton-Hodge, Rodolfo Ornelas, Eduardo Figueroa, and Billy Manning.  

Finance Committee: Mark Milner (Chair), Eduardo Figueroa, and Billy Manning. Alternates Jumoke Hinton-Hodge, Rodolfo Ornelas, and Robbie Torney. 

  D. CEO- Reflections and Updates Discuss Rich Harrison 10 m
  E. LCPS Academic Update Discuss Tina Hernandez 10 m
  F. Finance Update Discuss Linda Wu 10 m

Key Items:




  G. LCPS Budget: 2024-25 and Multi-Year Projections Vote Linda Wu 10 m
  H. Local Control Accountability Plans for 2021-24 (Updated for 23-24 SY) Vote Megan Bacigalupi 10 m

LCAPs and Federal Addendums for 2024-25 for Lodestar, Lighthouse K-8 and Lighthouse High School can be viewed here: 


  I. Education Protection Account (EPA) approvals Vote Linda Wu 3 m

California created the Education Protection Account (EPA) in November 2012 after the passage of Proposition 30, The Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012. Proposition 30 temporarily increased the personal income tax rates for upper-income taxpayers and the sales tax rate for all taxpayers, and was extended by voters through 2030 via Proposition 55 in November 2016. 


Revenue generated from the increased taxes are deposited into the EPA and distributed to districts and charter schools on a quarterly basis. While funds from the EPA are part of a district’s or charter school’s general purpose funding, Proposition 30 specifies that EPA funds may not be used for administrative salaries or benefits or any other administrative costs.  Governing boards must determine the use of EPA funds at an open public meeting annually. Proposition 30 also requires all districts, counties and charter schools to report on their websites an accounting of how much money was received from the EPA and how that money was spent. For schools open prior to FY13/14, EPA funds are estimated to be roughly equal to 36% of a school's FY12/13 funding rate multiplied by the current year Average Daily Attendance. 


In June 2021, the LCPS Board of Directors approved the Education Protection Account resolution to follow these EPA reporting guidelines.  


CEO recommends approval of our EPA for our 3 LEAs for the following amounts:

  • Lighthouse K-8 - $1,696,081
  • Lighthouse 9-12 - $1,093,255
  • Lodestar K-12 - $131,732


  J. LCPS 2023-24 Staff Handbook Vote Anna Martin 5 m

Recommendation:  The CEO recommends approval of the LCPS Staff Handbook.  This handbook has been reviewed by Anna Martin, our COO and our Legal team.  Due to the length of these documents, the links to the redline, final version, and summary of changes are attached.  




  K. LCPS Declaration of Need - Lodestar Vote Anna Martin 2 m

Recommendation:  The CEO recommends approval of the LCPS Declaration of Need for Lodestar, an annual process that allows LCPS to apply for emergency teaching credentials and permits through the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.  




  L. LCPS Declaration of Need - Lighthouse K-8 Vote Anna Martin 2 m

Recommendation:  The CEO recommends approval of the LCPS Declaration of Need for Lighthouse K-8, an annual process that allows LCPS to apply for emergency teaching credentials and permits through the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.  






  M. LCPS Declaration of Need - Lighthouse 9-12 Vote Anna Martin 2 m

Recommendation:  The CEO recommends approval of the LCPS Declaration of Need for Lighthouse 9-12, an annual process that allows LCPS to apply for emergency teaching credentials and permits through the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.  




  N. Approval: Lunchmasters Contract Vote Anna Martin 5 m

Staff and Finance Committee recommend the approval of the Lunchmasters Contract:

  • Contracted with School Food Solutions to manage the RFP process and ensure we were in compliance with all RFP processes. 
  • RFP Publication Friday, February 16, 2024 
  • Pre-Bid Meetings Thursday, March 7, 2024 
  • Vendor questions due to SFA Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 5:00 pm PDT 
  • Vendor answers provided by SFA Friday, March 8, 2024 at 5:00 pm PDT 
  • Proposals Due/Bid Opening Friday, March 15, 2024 at 12:00 pm PDT 
  • Intent to Award Notification Friday, March 29, 2024 Contract Begins July 1st, 2024
  • RFP: 


  O. Approval: Camera/Security System Vote Anna Martin 5 m

Contract Link: 


  • LCPS was awarded a three-year federal safety grant that provides $700K per year for a variety of safety initiatives. 
  • Due to the funds being federal funds, we have to follow our federal procurement policy to ensure funds are correctly expended. Due to this, we will need to use an RFP process for any use of funds above $10,000 where we don’t want to be required to use the lowest price as the criterion for awarding a contract (as in both the small procurement and IFB processes).
  • We had identified two sub-projects that would require us to conduct an RFP process when using Safety Grant funds including a ~$365,912.17 project to purchase and install and newer camera system
  • Staff worked with legal counsel to draft and post the camera system RFP and conducted a compliant process to solicit proposals (3 responsive bids received) and conduct demos and interviews with vendors in order to bring a contract for Board approval
  P. Approval: ELA Curriculum (EL Education and Open Up Resources) Rich Harrison 3 m



Recommendation:  The CEO recommends approval of curriculum resources (EL Education and Open Up resources: student workbooks for grades K-8) for the upcoming school year for $70,180.78

V. Closed Session 7:53 PM
  A. Executive Compensation Vote Robbie Torney 30 m
  • Public Employee: Executive Compensation
  B. Conference: Legal Matters FYI Rich Harrison 10 m

Item 1: Anticipated litigation 

Item 2: Anticipated litigation 

VI. Closing Items 8:33 PM
  A. Report out on closed session FYI Robbie Torney 2 m
  B. Adjourn Meeting Vote Robbie Torney 2 m

Next Meeting:


  • Board Retreat/Dinner in July