Lighthouse Community Public Schools

December Special Board Meeting

Published on December 11, 2021 at 2:14 PM PST
Amended on December 21, 2021 at 9:08 AM PST

Date and Time

Tuesday December 21, 2021 at 9:00 AM PST


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      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 9:00 AM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Kimi Kean 2 m
  B. Land Acknowledgement   Rich Harrison 1 m
Honor Native Land - we are on Ohlone land and want to acknowledge native peoples and our ancestors this evening.
  C. Record Attendance   Robbie Torney 2 m
  D. Board findings pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)   Kimi Kean 3 m
The LCPS Board of Directors determines, in accordance with Government Code Section 54953(e)(1)(B), that meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)(3), the Board has also reconsidered the circumstances of the State of Emergency declared by the Governor on March 4, 2020, and finds the State of Emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the Directors to meet safely in person and/or that State or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing.


The LCPS Board of Directors approved this on 12/1/2020, and will review the findings every 30 days.  
  E. Open Forum and Introductions   Kimi Kean 15 m
No individual presentation on agendized or non-agendized items shall be for no more than three (3) minutes and the total time for this purpose shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.  Speakers requesting translations will have six (6) minutes to present.  


The Board will hear public comments, and Identify next steps as needed.
II. Consent Items 9:23 AM
  A. Approve Minutes: December 15, 2020 Approve Minutes Robbie Torney 2 m
III. Discussion and Approval Items 9:25 AM
  A. Approval of LCPS's Educator Effectiveness Funds Vote Rich Harrison 15 m
IV. Closing Items 9:40 AM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Kimi Kean 1 m
Next Meeting:
  • Special Board Meeting TBD in January to approve annual Audit
  • Regular Board Meeting on 2/2 from 6pm to 8pm at Lighthouse