Lighthouse Community Public Schools

LCPS Board of Directors Meeting

Published on December 4, 2020 at 5:24 PM PST
Amended on December 6, 2020 at 11:23 AM PST

Date and Time

Wednesday December 9, 2020 at 6:00 PM PST

Meeting ID: 843 2260 5337
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I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance
  C. Open Forum and Introductions
Hear/Record public comments, Identify next steps as needed
  D. Committee Report Outs and Announcements
  • Governance - Committee report from November 20, 2020 meeting
  • Finance - Committee report from December 2, 2020 meeting
  • AAC - Committee report from November 30, 2020 meeting
II. Consent Items
  A. Approve Minutes: October 14, 2020
  B. Financial Statement Packet
Recommended Action: The Finance Committee has reviewed these materials and recommends approval of the Finance Committee packet as part of the Consent Agenda


Note that the attachments for Action Items later on the agenda have been pulled from the Packet, and included separately for each of those items.


III. Discussion and Approval Items
  A. Charter Renewal Update
  B. LCPS Organizational Priorities & OKR Update
  C. Resolution for Equity, Anti-Racism, and Addressing Anti-Blackness
  D. CEO Goals and Evaluation Process
  E. Board Assessment
  F. FY20 Audit Approval
  G. Budget Planning for 2021-22: Update on Prior Year Resolution
  H. Budget Overview for Parents
IV. Closed Agenda Item -
V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting